Hopeful Beginning's

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Besides a few glares and lustful looks, the week passed for Lauren without a problem. A few of the more socially shy shot her encouraging smiles, and nods as they passed by, but that was all. The cheerleaders on her squad were a little dramatic in their refusal to be on the team with an out lesbian, afraid of what others would think of them, but that was put to a stop when the coach kicked them off without a thought, not willing to have bigots on her squad.

Lauren was grateful for the support, especially since Selena was one of the girls to go, and she and the girls roamed the school looking for more members.

They had convinced Bea with much pleading and puppy eyes to tryout, and despite the girls shy nature, she gave in like the coward Camila joked her to be.

Bea of course, coming out of her shell more, flung a piece of jello at Camila while she was unaware, laughing as it smacked the surprised captain in the face. Dinah had laughed so hard that milk had come out her nose, as she choked on her mouthful, laughing so hard at Camila's sticky gaping face.

Yes, Bea had come a long way.

She then suggested that Lauren pick girls from the bottom of the social ladder, saying that they would be the most loyal, and appreciative, more unlikely to not stab her in the back and stomp on their progress.

Lauren had admitted that she had never thought of that, and agreed that the idea was great. They spent the rest of lunch on Tuesday scouting the cafeteria for possible girls.

They found a book worm reading in the corner by herself named Tori. When they approached her, she was nervous and fidgety, but once she looked at Bea's calm and encouraging face she calmed. Bea was below her on the social hierarchy, and if she was treated well by this group of girls, they must not have meant her much harm. She took a little convincing, but she agreed, admitting to herself she had nothing to lose. She was a junior, and so far she was bored to tears of high school, used to being by herself so much that she was anxious for any change they could offer.

The next was a softball player named Chloe, who Lauren knew from the team when she played during the off season. She was quiet, but very friendly. She agreed right away, happy to maybe expand her group of friends.

Last was Emily, a girl from the choir who agreed right away, if the girls would think about joining their performance choir, since they were in desperate need of a few more members for competition.

Lauren had always wanted to sing, as her other friends had, but never gave it another thought as just a pipe dream. She happily agreed to join after the season, and hoped Camila would do the same.

Ally seemed the most excited about it having only sung in her church choir, and the beaming smile she shot the sophomore made her warm inside.

Camila had watched the girls stepping up and widening their scope of friends with a smile. Her parents had chosen the right school for her. Change wasn't as hard as people wanted to believe, as long as they were open to the idea. It's the roles society places on people that makes it difficult to venture out, but once they did, the possibilities were endless. So much of human nature had yet to be discovered, and she was proud that the girls she was growing to really care for were learning that the world had so much more to offer them than the box they had placed themselves in.

The stands were filled to capacity on their home side that Friday, members of the school and their families screaming for them in pride as they took the field that day.

The happiness and excitement the boys felt was palpable, but their faces held nothing but seriousness as they viewed their new opponents.

They had been a part of a losing team and school before, and nothing was going to make them cocky despite all their last win. They stood on that field to win, for all the times they didn't get a chance to before, and nothing was going to make them get to sure of themselves so early in the game.

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