Bad Day Turned Good

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The weekend passed slowly for the group, having the best time they could, despite Camila's face aching constantly. It was pretty cute though, the way Lauren doted over her until she had to go home, and the girls knew that something must have gone down before Luis had interrupted them.

The girls separated on Sunday, and Camila had already put a call in for her team to stop by her house for an hour long meeting.

They were currently gathered around their captain in her large back yard, as she regaled them with all the drama that had happened when Luis had shown up.

"That's some bull shit, " Arin ranted angrily, as Harry and Louis agreed, scowling at the floor in anger.

"Man, he really was going to go after Dinah? That's just fucked." Troy spat, kicking a rock across the yard.

"What do you need from us cap? Because Austin and his crew are gonna be out for blood for getting Luis shipped off." Harry informed the group frowning.

"I need you all to keep an eye out for my girls. Bea and Lauren especially, None of them are allowed to be alone on campus, ya hear me? Because I will destroy anyone that lays a finger on them." Camila ordered, making sure the guys knew how serious she was.

"What about you? He's going to be gunning for Mila." Troy added worried.

"Keep an eye out and let me know if you see or hear them coming, as for me... Well, I'm not so easy to take down. Let them come of they think they can handle it." Camila replied, shrugging.

The boys joked about Camila whooping Austin's ass, and they spent the rest of the hour going over the practice schedule for preparation for next Fridays game.

When they left the house, Camila went inside to watch some football, hoping to find some moves to inspire her for new plays. She would worry about tomorrow when it happened.


On Monday, Camila demanded that Lauren go to school with Normani, and to stay close to the other girls all day, not wanting to leave anything to chance. She actually begged the head cheerleader to just stay in the stands before school as she practiced so that she was always aware of where she was.

When she had finally showered and changed, she met up with the girls, and together they entered the school.

There was some whispering, but soon after Camila shot them intimidating glares, many curious eyes found other places to pay their attention to.

"So far so good, not much problems." Lauren mumbled nervously from Camila's side as they made their way through the halls.

"Well, it's not like many people are stupid enough to mess with Camila. Trust me, if you had been outed last year, you would have transferred schools." Bea whispered, looking down at the ground as she walked.

Lauren felt a slight pang for even feeling as nervous as she did. She had a huge support system, while people like Bea had to deal with harsh hate when they had done the same thing. Life was mean and harsh when people as kind as Bea were treated the way they were.

"Sorry." Mumbled Lauren, averting her eyes to the floor.

Bea shook her head looking up at her with sympathetic eyes. "Don't be, it's not your fault the world is the way it is. At least you're trying to change, that counts for something. At least it does to me and countless others. Hold your head up high and be proud Lauren, that's the only way to win."

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