Shaming parents and terms of playing

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"You hit a girl! What the hell were you thinking?! You laid hands on a woman?! Where is your sense? Because your mother and I never taught you that!" Shouted Luis father as he paced the office angrily.

Luis's mother was in tears of shame, trying to understand where they had went wrong. Austins parents were glaring at their son, ashamed that they had not taught him better, as Camila's parents sat calmly in their seats.

"She had coach kick me off the team! I've been the quarter back for three years and I didn't even make second string! She's just jealous of me and used the power coach gave her to ruin me!" Luis defended angrily.

The principal turned to Camila and asked, "What was your reason for not wanting Luis on the team?"

Camila calmly, sat in her seat looking at Luis as she said,"He's undisciplined, and lazy. He used his position to keep his friends starting instead of letting the guys that truly worked hard to get any playing time. He threatened numerous students to not tryout, and He has virtually no stamina or technique. Him and Austin spent the whole try outs trying to undermine me, and do actual damage, instead of trying to show us what they were capable of. This team is starting from the ground up, and I want guys on the team that deserve to be there. Those two don't. They've used their popularity to get on the team for years, and I'm sorry but that's not the kind of players I want on the team. They both proved today that I made the right choice in not picking them. They show no loyalty, to the uniform, to their acting captain or their team mates. But do you truly want to know the deciding factor?"

Every eye in the room was on her when she continued, and her next words broke their families heart.

"In just the two days I've been here, I've watched you both bully and humiliate countless students. You think that because your the quarter back you run this school, and I WILL NOT have those kinds of people on this team. You harrass people you call nerds, you flirt with girls who are uncomfortable with your advances, even after repeatedly being told no. You GAY bash lesbians in this school making them uncomfortable, and honestly should land you in jail for harrassment. I don't want boys like that on my team. I want men. I want men who can follow orders and respect those around them. I want men who are hardworking and want to win enough to go beyond any standards set. They are both not those kind of men. From what I've seen, they use their popularity as football players to stop the progress of the students of this school, and I wasn't going to put even more power in their hands and let them be on this team. I stand by my decision, and ask you all to respect it." Camila stated glaring at the two boys.

Both of them were fuming and ready to rip her apart.

"You do this? My son does this?" Luis's mother sobbed.

"Your going to listen to this dyke over me? Your going to let her talk to me like that!" Luis burst out angrily.

"You've done nothing but show us that what she says is true! I don't know who you think you are, but your no man! You better get your act together now, or you will truly know where boys like you go when they act like animals!" Shouted his father angrily.

"We taught you to be kind to others. How could you act like this to a girl just because of who she is?" asked his mother crying tears of frustration.

"You taught me it was a sin! Your words not mine!" shouted Luis angrily as Austin nodded in agreement.

"No sin is greater than any other." Sinhue stated glaring.

"Love thy neighbor." said Alejandro calmly.

"If your going to pick words from a book written years ago from a different time, then make sure you read all of them, not just the ones that suit you." Camila said frowning.

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