I Want Justice, As Should You

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When Lauren had finally left Camila's room to clean herself up, others trickled in taking turns as they looked in on their friend. Every person entering in the room had a horrified expression on their face as gazed at the condition the football captain was reduced to.

When Bea had entered the room with her mother, her whimpers made her mother wrap her arm around her, knowing how hard her daughter would take this. Camila had very much been Bea's saving grace. Her first real friend. To see her now, the way her poor face looked.... Well, it wasn't a sight anyone would ever forget.

As students came and went, Bea and the girls were brought clothes to change into, and their parents smiled sadly as they demanded to be allowed to stay in the waiting room till Camila was awake. Seeing the many angry and worried expressions on their children's faces, they realized that their kids were growing up, heading to college soon, and they found that they couldn't deny them their request.

The Jauregui's were the last to see Camila, and Mike's hands clenched tightly when he saw the teens face. His blood boiled, wishing desperately to be allowed to pummel the boys responsible. Boys he had welcomed into his home at one point, and wondered in his middle age mind, how he had become so ignorant to the cruelty of the boys he had allowed near his family. He knew Luis would have done the same had he been at that dance, and his eyes watered at the gratefulness that he was nowhere near his daughter, unable to be a threat anymore.

Clara cried unashamed, having truly taken to Camila as part of their family. She shook her head at such harsh violence on someone so innocent, unable to understand why the innocent always paid, why the wicked went unrepentant.

Chris was just pale in shock as he hugged his sister Taylor close to his chest, the reality that it could always be his sister that was treated this way hit him hard. He had always just brushed off people who sounded ignorant when they went on their bigot rants, never even attempting to fight back and educate them. This was what happened when hateful people went unchecked, and he felt determined to never be the kind of person that sits back and lets people like Austin just terrorize people again. No deserved to walk around other innocent people when they harbored so much hate.

The Jauregui's left, taking Sofie with them so the Cabello's could stay with their daughter, allowing Lauren to stay with them.

Lauren walked into the restroom of the hospital, ignoring the stalls as she walked over to the sink to wash off her bloody hands.

Turning the water on, she took water from the soap dispenser, and started scrubbing slowly. Her tears fell when she saw her girlfriends watery blood splash the porcelain sink, and she started to aggressively scrub, anger filling her at the situation.

Dina, Normani and Ally walked into the bathroom, freezing in place as they watched Lauren hysterically scrub her hands and arms, breaking down before their eyes.

They had never seen her this way before, but then....they had never seen Lauren love someone as hard as she loved Camila. The head cheerleader didn't love easily, but when she did love, it was a beautiful thing. What they were seeing now was the downside of that hard love, the pain that came when things happened beyond anyone's control, and it hurt to see.

Normani walked over to Lauren, wrapping her in a hug from behind, allowing Lauren to cry surrounded by a comforting embrace.

Lauren's wet hands gripped Normani's around her waist, and the teen helped her friend to the floor when she felt Lauren's legs give out.

Dinah and Ally each took a side of Lauren, hugging her and whispering assurances that all would be okay. But it wouldn't to Lauren, not until her girlfriend woke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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