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A/N: Sorry guys....

Once a doctor had checked out Camila and had safely ruled out any rib damage, he prescribed her some medication, which Alejandro was quick to take to their 24 hour pharmacy.

The girls laid around Lauren's bedroom eating pizza, until it was time for bed, everyone exhausted from the dramatic night. Once Camila had eaten her fill and been properly medicated, Lauren insisted that they both slept in her room so Camila didn't hurt herself trying to make herself comfortable on the living room floor.

Lauren's parents readily agreed, and Sinuhe helped Lauren wrap ice packs on a drugged and sleepy Camila before heading out.

Lauren laid next to her girlfriend, admiring her sleeping face in her dark room, as small light illuminated her room from the night sky through her window.

She thought about what her mother and Camila had said, and realized she was falling in love with Camila. When she saw her hit the ground tonight after that idiot hit her with his helmet, Lauren admitted to herself that she had never been more scared.

They had been dating for almost a month by now, and it was already heading towards November. Where had the time gone? Could she call it love with how little time they had shared together?

She thought so.

So far, she's spent every day for a couple of months with her girlfriend, and even though they had only been dating for a month, she knew she had been falling long before that. They only had about four more games until the playoff's, and if they were anything like tonight, she honestly thought she would go crazy. She wanted Camila safe, but at the cost of losing her by stifling who she was?


Lauren couldn't do that. The only thing she knew, was that she truly was falling in love with the football player, just the way she was. You don't change those you claim to love, Lauren knew that. So she wouldn't try and change Camila. She would support her even if she had to live through her heart constantly racing as she took hard hits. It was all she could do.

"What's got you thinking so hard tonight?" Camila rasped making Lauren jump in surprise.

She looked at her girlfriends face, seeing her eyes still closed, and wondered how she had missed the change in her breathing from her spot on the bed.

"I just realized that I'm falling in love with you, and it's terrifying because I didn't expect to feel this way so soon. But apparently I've been falling for a while, so there's that. I also realize I would never want to change you, even of you playing scares the hell out of me. I guess I'm just going to have to trust that you know what you're doing." Lauren whispered quietly, her heart beating faster at her confession.

Camila slowly opened her tired eyes, and gave Lauren a small smile.

"I'm falling in love with you too, what a coincidence." Camila joked, grinning when Lauren playfully flicked her nose with a smile.

"I'm the head cheerleader, and you're the team captain, you're supposed to love me." Lauren huffed jokingly.

"Well, glad I don't disappoint then." Camila yawned, carefully wrapping her arms around Lauren, pulling her closer.

Their noses rubbed against each other as their lips were just barely touching.

"You could never disappoint me Camz. Never." Lauren whispered against Camila's lips, before pressing against them gently.

Camila kissed Lauren slowly, savoring the feel of the love she could feel rising between them for each other.

When they pulled away, Lauren rested her head gently on Camila's shoulders as the football player held her close, caressing her sides in a soothing manner.

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