Concerns and misconceptions

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When Lauren approached the Cabello home on saturday, she was nervous.

The weird part was she didn't understand why, but the thought of her parents meeting Camila and her family set her on edge. It wasn't that her parents weren't progressive, because she always thought they were. It's just the topic of homosexuality was never brought up, and she was nervous they wouldn't approve of Lauren's new friendship with Camila.

Luckily, when Luis's parents talked to the Jauregui's about their sons horrible treatment of Lauren, her parents were very apologetic of their insistence on her dating him. Her mother and father promised to never interfere with her love life again, and were proud of her for not giving in to Luis just to please him.

Since then, they had been very lenient on Lauren and her coming and goings, and never questioned her judgement since.

But introducing them to Camila, and them finding out that Camila was in fact a lesbian, made her a nervous wreck.

Ally, Normani and Dinah were also on edge, and she took comfort that she wasn't the only one.

Ringing the door bell, Lauren let out a breath of relief when Sinhue answered the door.

"Lauren! Mija come in, come in." Sinhue exclaimed smiling as she embraced Lauren.

Lauren chuckled and said,"It's good to see you too Sinhue. Mom, dad this is Sinhue Cabello, Camila's mother."

Clara embraced Sinhue once she was free, saying,"I'm Clara Jauregui and I must say you have a lovely home."

"Thank you. Though I wish it were smaller, especially on cleaning days." Sinhue laughed, hugging Mike.

"I bet. This is my husband Mike, and our youngest children Chris and Taylor." Clara introduced smiling.

Once hugs were passed around, she led them to their large ball room, where tables and chairs were spread across the large room. Many of the players and their families were already seated, Lauren watched as Camila walked around the room introducing herself to her teams families with a smile.

Once her family was seated with the Cabello's, Clara pointed at Camila whispering,"Is that Camila?"

Lauren nodded blushing for some unknown reason. Camila who could feel the Jauregui's curious gazes, approached their table in her jersey with a smile.

"Hey Lauren! Introduce me to your beautiful family! You guys got some seriously great looking genes." Camila joked, giving them a smile.

"Ooh a charmer! I'm Clara and this is Mike, we're Lauren's parents. This is her brother Chris and her sister Taylor." Clara introduced, standing up to give Camila a hug in greetings.

"Dude your like super pretty! And your on the team? Wow." Chris said amazed.

"Way to make your flirting obvious dork!" hissed Lauren, making her parents chuckle.

Camila laughed, saying,"Thanks I guess. But sorry, your barking up the wrong tree. I don't exactly bat for your team."

Lauren tensed, and shot Chris a glare, which he was oblivious to, as he scrunched his eye brows confused.

"Is it the younger man thing?" asked Chris confused, making their parents laugh.

"She's a lesbian Mijo. She's saying your not her type." Clara chuckled smiling.

"Are you seeing anyone Mija?" asked Mike with a smile.

Camila smiled shaking her head.

"Nah, Ive got to get the team in shape for the season before I can even think of dating. A lot of these guys will need a scholarship, so its my job to make sure they give it their best shot." Camila replied smiling.

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