Keeping promises

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Camila was surprised and pleased with the boys on her team. There had been a dramatic change in them since they had made the team, and followed her willingly. They may not have the stamina yet, but they definitely had the heart.

They were always early to their morning practice, and gave their all, into their after school practices. They hit the weight room faithfully, and after almost two weeks were already growing used to the schedule, and could feel the change in the air. They wanted to be great, and they were on their way to being good already. Camila could not be more pleased.

By the time Austin and Luis walked into the school after their long suspension, they were ignored by most, making their status in the school drop significantly.

Many of the students who had been bullied for years, supported Camila whole heartedly because of the change to their daily lives. They were no longer bullied, and could come to school with smiles that lasted all day.

The cheerleaders wanted nothing to do with them, because after a harsh lashing from Lauren and the girls, they were now on the undate-able list.

The guys on the team who now bled loyalty to Camila, ignored them, while keeping a watchful eye, making sure they never touched their captain again.

When Luis dropped into his seat angrily, he smirked at Bea who was cowering away from him. Lauren who had watched him head straight for the small girl, jumped up from her seat, and slammed her books on his desk sharply, shocking him and grabbing his attention.

"Get the fuck away from her now. There are other seats in the front. I suggest you move to one now." Lauren barked angrily.

"I can sit where ever I want Bitch." He spat pissed.

Lauren lowered her voice and said,"You either get up and stay the hell away from Bea, or I'll head to the principal and tell her what a sick fuck like you is doing to her daughter while Miss Lovato is teaching. If your not up in five seconds, I will have the guys from the team drag your ass out of that seat, but your not sitting next to her ever again."

Luis snarled at Bea, making her flinch, and only refrained from doing anything once the six members of the team stood ready to tear him apart the second he even moved in any of the girls direction.

He stood up, shooting them all a glare, before sitting near the front without a word.

Lauren sat in her new seat next to Bea, gently rubbing the girls shaking back, whispering soothing words of safety.

"T-thank you." mumbled Bea.

"I told you. Nothing like that is ever going to happen again. I promised didn't I?" said Lauren with a small smile.

The guys sat back down, shooting Luis a hateful glare. Bea was a friend of their Captain, and there was no way they would allow her to get hurt on their watch.

Bea smiled at them all whispering,"Yeah you did."

Lauren grinned and went ahead opening her notebook, ready to take notes.

Camila who had stood near the door, worried for her friend, sighed in happiness after seeing Lauren handle the situation. She felt oddly proud of the cheerleader, and felt like she had come a long way in such a short time.

Shooting Luis a smirk, satisfied when his body tensed, she made her way through the aisles, taking her seat on the other side of Bea. She shot her a comforting smile, and when her eyes locked on Laurens, she smiled wider.

Lauren could almost feel the pride in Camila's eyes, and it made her blush in pleasure and filled her chest with butterflies. Confused as to why she felt so flustered, she chalked it up to making someone who was proving to be a good friend happy.

Yes, Lauren had come a long way.


While Austin and Luis were wallowing in their popular decline, Camila and the team had pushed multiple tables together during lunch, along with the cheerleaders, and was excitedly talking about this weekends barbecue.

"Everyone ready for some awesome food!" exclaimed Camila excitedly.

"Dude you eat more than any of the guys on the team! It's like a bottomless pit!" laughed Troy.

"I know right?! So unfair! I gotta diet, while tiny over here gets to eat everything she wants. Hows life fair?" pouted Dinah making everyone laugh.

"You know Dinah, a couple of training days with Mila would make it so that you could eat whatever you want." Ally snickered, eating her yogurt happily.

"Oh hell nah! Do I look like I want to die! No offence Mila, but you crazy! I would die after the second lap!" exclaimed Dinah dramatically.

Camila snickered, munching on her pizza before saying,"Probably. Better hope your coach doesn't ask me to whip you girls into shape."

The cheer leaders whipped their heads to her in horror, making her burst out laughing.

"Don't joke like that girl! Had me worried." Chuckled Normani nervously.

"So, this fundraisers about uniforms and stuff?" asked Lauren changing the subject.

"Sure is. We want to get new pads, shoes and uniforms for both the football team and cheer leaders. We want to start off our winning season with style." Camila announced smiling.

"Your pretty confident that you guys wont suck." Selena stated, wincing when Lauren shot her a glare.

"Oh no, I know we wont. These guys have made some good improvement this past week, and if they keep it up, by this time next month we'll be a formidable force. We may or may not win a state ring, but were gonna get the rest of the district and state to fear the hell out of us. But I'm not too worried, ya know why?" asked Camila with a smile.

"Why?" asked Lauren fascinated by her confidence.

"Because these guys have more heart than any team here in the past ever did. They want to be great, and are willing to put in the work to do it. As long as they keep doing that, we'll never be disappointed." Camila said, giving her team a proud look.

Many of them blushed, avoiding her gaze as the cheerleaders giggled.

"Your a good captain Camila." Lauren said smiling.

"Hell yeah she is! She knows every position and knows just where we are our the strongest. Like who knew Troy could throw like he has been doing? She only saw him toss once, and gave him a shot. Dude's good too. Better than Luis ever was. When he gets in the zone, dude's on fire. And Arin great on the line, but even better as a half back. He makes the plays he gets handed to him. Harry is getting faster on D, and Zayn is like a monster at grabbing interceptions. All second stringers that never saw playing time, when they actually had talent. I'm totally juiced for the first game!" Louis exclaimed grinning.

Camila chuckled at his enthusiasm, blushing at his kind words, and the cheers and agreements from the guys around her.

Lauren gave Camila a soft smile, and wondered why she had ever even thought to distance herself from this girl.

She was amazing, and was learning things from her every day.

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