She'll Always Be Beautiful To Me

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When Lauren reached the restroom, seconds before the other girls, she screamed when she saw Troy and Arin try to carry Camila's bloody body out of the stall. She saw Austin knocked out on the floor from Troy smashing his head against the stall threshold, and the unconscious boys that surrounded them. The bathroom reeked of sweat, blood and vodka, and Lauren had force herself not to throw up as her shaking hands touched any part of Camila she could.

Principal Miller and Coach Cowell pushed their way inside, and started snapping orders once they saw Camila's unconscious blood soaked face.

Luckily, due to the many accidents that always seemed to happen at school dances, there was an ambulance a couple blocks away, and they were able to call them to the school quickly.

The boys carried Camila out of the bathroom per Coaches orders, and laid her on the hallway floor, forcing the crowd of students that had come to see what the hold up was, to back away.

Several gasped and cries of anger and sadness were heard around the student body, as they looked on sympathetically as Lauren knelt next to her girlfriend crying in hysterically as she tried desperately to get her to respond, caressing her bloody hair lovingly.

Ally and Normani tried to calm Lauren, but there wasn't anything besides seeing her girlfriends brown eyes looking up at her, that would calm the sobs she was releasing.

Dinah looked at the teachers pulling the unconscious boys out of the bathroom, and when she saw Austin's face as he blinked awake groggily being carried out into the hall, she snapped and kicked him in the balls, shouting profanities as he yelled in agony.

Multiple teachers had to intervene as many members of the student body yelled and shouted at the boys that were being brought out, furious at what they had done.

Police officers were jogging down the halls, and immediately started helping the teachers try and prevent the riot that was forming due to the boys appearance in the hallway. But once the EMT's ran through hall, the crowd parted, quieting so they could hear if the captain was okay.

It took Ally and Normani both to hold back Lauren and move her away from her girlfriend so the medics could help Camila.

They hooked her up to I.V's as they carefully put a brace on her neck, before loading her up on a portable bed to transfer her to their ambulance.

Since the other boys were also in need of medical attention, they called for backup before sprinting down the hall, Lauren and the girls trailing behind her.

Principal Miller demanded that her and Lauren be allowed to accompany them, and they agreed as long as they let them work without getting in their way.

Grateful that they had ordered an ambulance to be on standby, the principal stepping in quickly, guiding Lauren next to her before they slammed the doors shut.

The principal held Lauren's hand tightly in comfort as she dialed the Cabello's phone number. She quickly explained the situation to a hysterical Sinuhe, and asked if there was anything they needed to worry about when it came to treating Camila, any allergies, anything at all.

Once she was satisfied that nothing the medics would do could harm the teen, she informed them what hospital they were heading to, and asked them to call Lauren's family to tell them she was riding with them.

The medic was taking Camila's blood pressure, checking her body for any stab wounds, sighing in relief when she found none. She didn't want to spend a Saturday night mourning the loss of an innocent kid. But then no one ever did..

Within a few minutes, they were parking in front of the Hospital, as E.R. nurses slammed open the ambulance doors, they quickly helped the EMT roll Camila out.

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