March 26th, 2015

265 12 2

Chapter 6

My mum got the job at Aldi, and she works 6 days a week, with only one day off. The hours are actually great though, since she leaves at 7 in the morning and gets back around 2 in the afternoon. The hours change though, so she never knows the exact time she'll be home. Sometimes she gets back early, around 1 o'clock, or even noon. But others she can be stuck at work until 4.

Rose was right about the love seat. It was probably the most comfortable piece of furniture I've ever owned, and I've sat on it practically 24/7. There's not much to do in this tiny town. I have zero friends, unless you count Rose, which I really don't think you can.

But honestly, this town has nothing. There are literally only two places to eat, and I've had enough of both within these last few weeks to last me a lifetime.

If I want to do anything, I have to go to a different town, and since my mum takes my car to work everyday, I can't do anything until she gets home. And by that time, she always has something for me to do, such as help her with dinner, or pick something up from the small shop that Rose works at. I haven't seen her in there, though, recently. I didn't know if that's because my mother has terrible timing, and I go in when it's not her shift, or if she quit the job. Or got fired.

"There isn't even a movie theatre in this town, mum. Or a bowling alley. How am I supposed to meet people, when all they have is two restaurants and small market?"

"You know that girl. Why don't you talk to her more? Which reminds me, what was that whole 'roses have thorns' thing about?"

I shrugged, for some reason not wanting to share with my mum the meaning of that. "Beats me. She's kind of strange."

My mum began washing dishes at the sink, looking out the window. "She's outside right now if you wanna go talk to her."

I sat up, since I was leaning on the table, craning my neck so I could stare out the window. Sure enough, she was sitting on the fence, petting a cow. For some reason, I couldn't picture her doing this. Yet there she was.

"She doesn't like me bothering her," I shrugged, beginning to dry the dishes my mum finished washing. We don't own a dish washer, or a drying rack, so everything had to be done by hand.

"Nonsense. She keeps looking over here at the house. Seems to me, she's waiting for you to show up."

I didn't think what my mum was saying was true. It couldn't be. Rose absolutely hated my presence, she's made that known multiple times. She sends me away at every chance she gets, and completely rejected me when I asked her to hangout. There's no way she wanted me around.

But I still found myself kissing my mum on the cheek before walking out of my house and toward Rose. I swear I saw her turn her head toward me, before quickly returning it to the cow in front of her, acting as though she hadn't seen me. But maybe it was just my imagination.

"Hey," I said to her, walking with my hands in my pockets. She didn't really acknowledge me, she just kept petting the cow. "What are you doing?"

"Petting a cow," she answered, and I smiled at the obvious answer.

"Really? I thought that was just a giant dog. But a cow? Who would've thought," I answered sarcastically, and she looked at me, before looking back to her hand. I wasn't sure what that look was, but I figured since she hasn't sent me away yet, this is a good sign. But I guess she lets me talk for a few minutes before she tells me to go away, so who knows.

"Many mistake Poppy for a dog. But you should see her pile of shit. Than you'd learn really quick."

"Poppy? You weren't kidding when you said your mum loves flowers," I stated, sitting myself on the fence next to her.

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