June 25th, 2015

167 8 0

Chapter 28

Life went on. Gardenia wasn't around, causing minutes to feel like hours, but life still moved on. We emailed a bunch, and Skyped a few times, and although that was nice, the distance was still tough. Definitely a lot harder than I had anticipated.

I spoke to Gardenia's mum on Monday, the day I had to return to work. She was working, since Gardenia wasn't, and she told me that she would be looking for somebody to hire. But she then proceeded to tell me that it took her four months to find somebody to hire last time, and that person was me, so she wasn't sure when she'll find me a new co worker. She offered to stay and help out, but after realizing how dead the business was, I told her I'd be fine if she wanted to leave, and so she did. I was playing a crossword puzzle, as I sat at the register, waiting for customers to come in.

Nothing eventful happened, and I closed up the shop, dropping the money bag off to Gardenia's mum on my way home. I also offered to pick up more shifts, since I didn't have much else to do anyways.

As my mum requested, I looked up careers that I may be interested in, but anything that I would even consider required a college diploma. I didn't know if I wanted to commit to a university. What if I hated it, and wasted all of that money for nothing? What if I finish school, and don't even get a job once I'm done? What if I'm in debt for the rest of my life, and always wish that I hadn't gone to school?

I was strongly considering any construction type jobs. I think I'd like that, considering I worked on a few buildings back home in England. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be an actual construction worker or a building inspector, though. To be a construction worker, I wouldn't have to go to university, which is great. However, I'd make about $20,000 more a year if I were an inspector.

Once I got home from work, my mum was in her bedroom. I yelled a goodnight to her through the door, and heard her respond before I went to my own room. It was only about eight thirty, so I logged onto my laptop to see a few notifications.

This Florida weather is driving me mad. It's so humid and hot here. I thought it was bad in Michigan, but I'm fairly certain it's 110% worse here. I keep sweating like a pig.


I smiled to myself before typing out a response.

'Driving me mad', a British term, is it not? I'm rubbing off on you :) And you're painting a very attractive picture for me. I'm sure even through all of that piggy sweat, you're still the most beautiful girl in Florida.

H. xx

My message was corny, yes, but absolutely true. Not even a few moments later, my laptop dinged, showing that she has responded.

Unfortunately, I found myself saying 'massive' about four times yesterday. You truly have tainted me. And yes, the hair sticking to my forehead and armpit sweat stains are absolutely gorgeous. Thank you.

G xo

Don't worry, babe, I'd still hug and kiss you even with the sweaty forehead and armpit stains.


H. xx

A few moments later, my laptop rang with a Skype call, and I immediately answered.

"Hi," she smiled, biting her lip slightly. The sight did things to me, but I decided to ignore my thoughts and reply instead.

"Hello," I grinned, and she looked down. I looked at her background to see white walls, and I could see a grey, fuzzy blanket covering her chest. She wasn't in her normal room.

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