January 6th, 2016

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This is the last chapter. I decided that there will not be an epilogue, as I sort of like the way this ended. You all can decide what's in store for Gardenia's and Harry's future.

I'd just like to quickly say thank you so much for reading this book, and I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I've enjoyed writing it. I really love this book because it's more mature, in my opinion. It's more realistic in ways that a lot of fanfics are not. It's not a bad thing for a fanfic to be unrealistic, as most of mine are, but I really wanted one that is like a real life relationship. Where you fight over actual, important things. I didn't want a book filled with unnecessary drama, I wanted something real, and raw, that could easily fit into a lot of people's relationships (even though some parts were stretching reality a little bit. It is fiction, after all).

I also wanted to include important life lessons in this book, such as the consequences to your actions. If you noticed, drunk driving was a big theme in this book. It's how Harry and Gardenia met to begin with, when he refused to let her ride her motorcycle drunk. It's how Gardenia's brother, had ended up killed. It's how Harry had gotten into a car accident after making the mistake to drive under the influence. Then at the Halloween party, Gardenia wanted to drive drunk and Harry had stopped her. Not only did it replicate how they met to begin with, but I hope that it teaches you all to be a bit more careful. Don't drive under the influence. Don't look down at your phone while you're driving. Don't distract yourself from the road. You don't want to do to somebody what the drunk driver in this book did to Aster. You don't want your actions to cause somebody else's death. Please think before you drive, and be sure that all of your attention is on the road, because something can happen at any moment, and you always need to be aware and prepared.

Anyways, I hope you're still reading, after this long spiel. I'm so proud of myself for writing this book. Once again, I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment and let me know what you think.

Thank you for reading.

- Jules

Chapter 49

"Wow," Gardenia murmured, as we looked up at the massive school before us. How we were ever going to find our way around this, I hadn't a clue.

"Where is the apartment?" I questioned, as we drove past the school now.

"It says in 0.2 miles, the destination is on the right. I don't know how long 0.2 miles is, though. Wait, it just changed to 0.1 miles. Oh, it's at 900 feet. 800 feet. 600 feet. 400 feet."

"Alright, baby, I get the idea. It's right here, yeah? Where that sign is?"

"Oh, yeah, that's it," she smiled, and we pulled in. We had to go to the landlord's office, to get our keys, and it was a burly guy with a massive beard. He handed the keys over after we signed a few papers, and then we were off to our new apartment. For the next couple of years, we would be residing in apartment number 2301.

"I can't believe we're going to have our own place, Harry. This is insane."

"And we're going to be going to school. Who the hell would have guessed that I would be going to college? If you had told me this a year ago, I would have thought you were mental."

"I'm so proud of you, you know. For figuring out what you want to do, and going after it. It's admirable."

"And I'm proud of you, for achieving your dreams, even if they weren't approved of by your mother at first."

She grinned at me, before spotting our new living space up ahead, and jogging to it.

"Ah, here it is! I'm so nervous, what if it's terrible? I saw pictures online, but I mean, what if they were old pictures, or something? What if it's in a state of disarray? What if it smells bad?"

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