Black Sunrise: A Jarhead short

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Based on the scene in the film, Jarhead, I thought I would write my interpretation of the scene itself.  This was mostly practice, and idea prep for a submission I was working on for a literary magazine.

The sky was still dark.  They had been there at least several days now, but it had never lightened.  In this situation someone would usually say, 'just light a fire', but that would be the worst idea right now.  The endless night wasn't a result of weather or other natural forces but of the oil fires.  One little flame in the wrong location and they would all be charred bodies for their backup to find.

Oil rained down, drenching them in black, dripping down into every crevice of their supplies and clothing.  Nothing was spared in the onslaught.  He wore gloves, but they only served as a second slippery skin, sliding on the slick material of the gun.  At this rate, if they ran into any opposition they would all go down without a fight, casualties of an unfortunate circumstance.  He could no longer discern which of the people in front of him were Kruger, Troy, or Sykes, each individual appearing more like a black mass than a person.

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