Finale/Fin : A Long Way Home

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Hey guys, this one is a little on the shorter side, but I figured I'd still include it. It was written in the last semester of school, and it kind of spoke to me on the level of who we are going in, and who we are coming out of college. I hope you guys enjoy this last chapter of the collection, and if you're looking for more pieces to read I also have short stories and novellas on my profile. Happy Reading guys, and don't forget to comment and vote!


He had come in a boy, but he didn't think he had come out a man. There was too much broken in him and not enough left in the world to fix it. He had friends who seemed to be coping at least on the outside, but no one was free yet. The war was over, the soldiers being sent home, but here they were, stuck in a cruel waiting room like formation. During the day they played ball, worked out, and wrote home, but at night always came the tears, not everyone silent in the lapse of emotional control.

In his life he had become two different people; the one that had grown up in rural North Carolina, growing crops and raising animals, and then there was the person he had seen in himself during his time in the war. They were two separate entities, two separate people, and yet they were him. Who was he? He wished he knew, but while everyone else had a lover to fall on, all he had was his family; one who hadn't encouraged him to join, and hadn't known until he was weeks into training. They had written, the evidence being a thick stack of worn letters he still carried around, but they had of course stopped months later when he had failed to read, let alone send one letter back.

If the blame had to fall on someone, he guessed it would be him. It wasn't as if they didn't love him, he simply hadn't known how to write his feelings without letting the whole of it come crashing down. The war had promised him glory, and he was coming back not only torn, but perhaps the same lanky, confused adult he had left as.

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