Sucked Into the Game

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Hey guys and happy Friday once again!  This short was inspired by the book, Ready Player One, and the show, Sword Art Online.  I wrote it for a creative assignment in my freshman year of college, so it's probably better than my high school stuff at the very least.  I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to comment, vote, and follow me.  Happy reading! :)  Also happy April Fools Day, though I don't plan on tricking any of you.  

Also, I've been looking into a game that I'm starting to really get behind.  Check out the trailer for Quantum Break and enjoy its awesomeness!


The room was dark, the only light being emitted was aimed at one of the four walls. Loud bursts of gunfire echoed bright flashes of light, the only occupant staring at the violent expanse before him in delight.

"Take that you alien scum!" His fingers darted over the keys of the controller in his hand with a crazed obsession.

"Michael. There's a band of aliens coming from the east entrance." Another boy's face flashed onto the right hand portion of the wall.

"Alright, Benjy. Keep it calm. Why don't circle around the north entrance, and we hit them from both sides?"

"Fine by me. But my score is higher than yours. Don't act so mighty." For effect, Benjy flashed his Gamerscore under his picture, the high stats number highlighted just for Michael.

"Whatever man. Are you going to do it, or what?" Michael let loose a string of moves, his character blasting, and punching the approaching aliens.

"I'm already moving. These tunnels are crazy long. What do you think happened to our teammates?" An icon popped up on the screen, Benjy's dot moving slowly on the map.

"Ditched at the beginning of the match. A whole bunch of pussies."

"Man! Couldn't they have at least stayed to see how it would go?"

"Probably went to watch the news. Because that's as close as they're going to get to this action." Michael pumped his fist as he got a head shot on a tall alien, the opponent crashing to the floor with a 'bang'. "I am so catching up to that score of yours."

"You're so unfair. Can't you at least save me something to shoot at?" Benjy's character ran out of the tunnel, assassinating one of Michael's enemy from behind.

"Why? You're doing just fine." The last alien went down, and Benjy playfully did a punch at Michael's character, Michael's health rating plummeting slightly at the contact. "That was uncalled for Benjy. You aren't being a sore loser, are you?"

"You're lucky you're a nice person outside of the video game world." Michael shrugged, the action unseen by his friend. Their conversation ended as a box appeared in front of them, both of their characters inching away out of habit.

"What is that?" Michael was the first to step closer, still just far enough for it not to have an effect on the object.

"We better leave that. We're on the internet, Michael. It could be a virus. You remember those hackers that hack into the video game."

"And when has that happened to us?" He could hear Benjy muttering unintelligible curses through the microphone. "I'm just going to open it. You can step back more if you want to." One last curse was mumbled, and Benjy stepped closer to the box, his character's weapon aimed at the object.

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