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This is another two part piece that looked at the idea of demigods, kind of influenced by a thought that popped in my head after I finished reading the Heroes of Olympus series.  After this two parter I'll try to post something a little more complete.  Without further ado, here is my take on greek mythology.  Enjoy!  Also, let me know if you're liking these.  :)


It was as if someone had simply changed the channel, the council room with all the gods flashing away, and replacing it were ruins.  After a second glance around him he realized he was still standing in the same location.  Had he dreamed the meeting?  Had he gone insane?  The air around him shimmered and he felt her presence in the room, though she remained veiled in the shadows.

"Why are you showing me this?"  A part of him understood, after all the times she had shared her dark visions, but the destruction before him was hard to bear.  

"The gods have let their pride before them, as they always have."  There was a hint of sorrow in her voice as she spoke, as if she still hadn't come to terms with what she already knew was coming.  "This time though it will be their undoing.  There is a dark force that has already awoken-."  She choked back a sob, but somehow continued.  "What you see here is his doing."  That much was clear, but he refrained from commenting in such a way.

"And what are you proposing I do?  I'm not fully of the gods.  I'm hardly even qualified to be in their presence."

"It starts with Apollo.  I can't say anymore."  Her voice grew distant and the darkness began to fade, the council room becoming whole again.

"Julius, I cannot continue to protect you-,"  Zeus looked away from him, unable to stare him in the eye.  Any sadness Julius would've felt was replaced by worry for the only person left in his family; his grandfather.

"Lord Zeus-," Julius began, but it was Poseidon this time who spoke, his eyes lighting up with a dark warning.

"Remember son of a hero, it is not only a privilege for you to speak to any of us, but a miracle."  All of his confidence left him at that point, but the lord of the sea continued, emotionless in his speech.  "You are hardly of the gods and yet you were granted protection from us."  He knew his father's sacrifice was the very reason he was here.  His father's last words had been for the gods, or Zeus, to watch over his son because he would be unable to, he did not need reminding of that fact.

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