Life In the Not So Fast Lane

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Inspired by bits of Fast and Furious movies, I wrote this attempt at a longer story and thought it should see some sort of light at the very least.  I don't plan to continue it, but that doesn't mean it can't still be enjoyed. © 2015 L.N.Price

Without further ado, here's the story, enjoy, and comment!


He woke that morning to a tapping on his window, his body reacting faster than his groggy mind. It was still dark enough that it took him a few seconds to process the face peering in at him from the other side of the glass.

"Mom?" She was dressed in her pajamas and robe. The creases in her forehead, though, were for him, and not her own embarrassment. Sleepily, he fumbled with the controls on his door, twisted the key in the ignition, turning the car on, and rolling down the window.

"What are you doing out here?"

She frowned, and handed him a plate with food on it. "I could ask you the same." Her eyes roved over the interior of the car, taking in its still pristine condition. "Did you sleep here the entire night?"

He hesitated to reply, biting his lip. "Yeah, but I'm fine."

She didn't seem to agree with his answer. "Are you really? Sweetie, you slept in a car. That's anything but fine." He awkwardly held onto the plate, feeling oddly self-aware.

"This was the first time, mom. I won't make a habit out of it."

"That's not how I see it. What pushed you to this anyway?" She pressed, her voice as stern as it ever got.

This time he didn't respond at all, placing the plate on the passenger seat.

"Answer me, Joshua Harris!"

"Your fight," he stated bluntly, the ache of sleeping in a car catching up to him.

"What?" She genuinely looked confused.

"I could hear you and dad screaming last night." She seemed to be trying to figure out what part he had heard, her face scrunched up in thought. "All of it, mom. I'm sure the neighbors did too."

"Like your sleeping in the car, that was the only time," she shot back.

"No, it wasn't. I heard the other times too." She was silent, rendered speechless by the unspoken accusation. "I called grandma, and she's taking Sarah and me in." Joshua handed her back the plate, unable to even fathom eating her food any longer.

"But Sarah is still in her room." She was trying to tear apart his plan, but he was already several steps ahead of her.

"No, she isn't. I drove her last night."

"Then why are you still here?" She crossed her arms, no longer trying to play the perfect parent.

"Respect," Joshua said simply, not caring anymore for her personal feelings. "I think we both understand how this ends, don't we?"

"No, I don't think you do. Your grandma does not have the right to take you from us." He sighed, and ran a hand through his already disheveled hair.

"No, but I already spoke to the police chief. He knows the situation."

"You are not leaving! You are my child, and you will not leave." She grabbed roughly onto the door handle of his car, her nails scratching the dark blue paint as she tried to pull it open.

Without replying, he closed the window, and threw the car into reverse, his mother jumping out of the way of its tires. There was a screech and some amount of smoke before he was flying down the neighborhood road. Some part of him knew that was the only way it could have ended, but the optimist in him had wanted to give her at least one more chance.


P.S. if you are able to see the drafts (I'm still unsure if followers really are able to) please don't look at them.  In order to keep to schedule I have to have all of the work already prepped to go, hence the drafts.  If you can see the drafts, for the sake of surprise/being a good follower please don't read until I officially release the chapter.  What is posted is posted, what isn't isn't.  In January I will stick to a bi-weekly schedule for posting to this book, posting on Fridays only.  Happy Reading!

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