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This was a short piece I wrote in high school while reading the Book Thief.  Usually when it comes to stuff I wrote during high school I want to get as far away from it as possible.  Not this piece, it still gives me shivers, and the soundtrack to fury really just drives it home.  What do you think of death and war?  Have you seen Fury?  They drop F-bombs left and right in the beginning, but when you get to that ending, with the music, it just tore me apart.


The sky was lit as the planes flew overhead, dropping their gifts like rain.  People below screamed and rushed to shelter as the air raid siren radiated off any surface it could.

The sadness of it all would never level up to the reason for this unknown attack.  It was payback for one life.  Maybe that life had been powerful and meaningful, but did it equal up to the thousands that would die this very night?  The answer is simple and plain enough, but what would you do when you lose the one you love?  We all say we wouldn't kill, but do you really know that?  How do you know what you will do when you are in a crisis?  You will never know until it happens.

This night of air raids and bombing would cost thousands of lives but what next?  Would the survivors want revenge too?  Maybe, but I am just an onlooker in this scene, an outside party who always gets the chance to see the action, but I never enjoy it.  For once they are done it is my group who cleans up their mess of a government, the mess of their city, and then the mess of their people.

It always starts with one person but always ends in millions.  That is war.  It is both pointless and meaningful but it always remains in their systems.

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