The Law of Equivalent Exchange (FMA)

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Happy Friday!  I know I needed this day, and many of you are probably feeling the TGIF craze right now

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Happy Friday!  I know I needed this day, and many of you are probably feeling the TGIF craze right now.  With school nearing the end or just on the cusp for many of the teen to young adult community I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and release this short.  Originally, I was going to leave it until August, but with finals driving me into the ground I wanted to release something that got me going, and this short was sad but fun to write.  The next bit before the video just outlines what is about to happen in this short, so feel free to read or skip (I italicized it :) )

So when I was watching this awesome series yet again, I felt the need to write out my version of the scene, told in Edward's view.  It's a little gruesome to watch but the bond between the brothers is probably the strongest I've seen in entertainment.  For your sibling would you give up a piece of yourself so that they would still live?  The question though is if Ed was selfless in this, in the scene he says that Al is all he has left, so he inserts Al's soul into a suit of armor.  

The majority of the beginning is taken directly from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (which is not mine, though it would be awesome if it were), and just gets the short off to its start, setting up the scene for which it takes place in.  The video below is the actual scene.  I will warn you that I did try to include all of what Ed said from the scene, just added to what wasn't, and what was shown just written down.  Let me know if it added anything for you guys, or if it was too much.  I'm testing some ideas, and while I like Manga, it's a very quick form of storytelling, and it's very easy to miss details that you would've gotten in a novel.  

"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return.  To obtain, something of equal value must be lost," 

- Alphonse Elric

  "Alchemy; the science of understanding the structure of matter, breaking it down, then reconstructing it as something else. It can even make gold from lead. But alchemy is a science, so it must follow the natural laws: To create, something of equal value must be lost. This is the principle of Equivalent Exchange. But on that night, I learned the value of some things can't be measured on a simple scale. My brother and I knew the laws of science, of Equivalent Exchange, that gain required sacrifice, that something had to be taken from us. But we thought there was nothing more we could lose, we were wrong... "

-Edward Elric (quote from Wikipedia) 


The light in the room was dim, just a few candles spread out on the worktable, and all the furniture pushed against the wall.  They had been at it for hours, their anticipation driving them towards their goal, and not into the ground that they had knelt so long on.  Sticks of chalk scattered the floor where they worked still, the makings of a transmutation circle slowly coming into existence.  Now all they needed were the ingredients to add to the main one; their mother's body, or what was left of it.  The bones of their one special person laid in the largest pail they had, centered in the middle of the circle with the reverence that Alchemy and love dictated.

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