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So we are only 3 more chapters away now, which is a little heartbreaking.  I'm still surprised at how many reads this anthology has gotten, and the support it's gotten.  Thank you, and I hope you enjoy this short and the few to come.  Don't forget to comment and vote!


She tried to recall those eyes; the intensity in them.  They had been blue like an endless sea, deep and fathomless.  Time though, had a way of burning away all that she cared about.  Why would this be any different?  His eyes were all she had left. 

"Take this," he pressed the pistol into her waiting hand, hardly taking the time to look at her.  She didn't want to tell him that she had never used a weapon before, didn't want to watch his worry increase.  When she didn't move though, he stared at her and saw it all clearly outlined on her face.

"Look at me."  It took the pressure of his hand on her chin to force her stare up, finding his eyes and their solidness.  "It isn't hard.  Point it, turn off the safety," he laid his finger over hers where the safety was.  "And shoot." 

"I can't do this," she pressed, her hand shaking under his, the gun nearly slipping to the floor.   "Please, don't go." 

"You can."  He pulled on her chin, and brought her forward into a hug, his hand rubbing circles into her back.  "You can do this, I know it." 

"But Keane-," she started.  He shook his head, and withdrew himself, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I need you to stay here, Jenna."  He rose from their position on the floor, and crouched behind the bookcase, fingers ghosting over the edges where they could almost be seen from the other side.  Whatever he had seen or not seen led him out of her eyesight, his back the only thing her eyes could follow until it too disappeared from her sight.  She quickly leaned against the bookcase, shutting her eyes tight as she tried to repeat his words through her mind, trying to will them to have the same faith and meaning in her that they had for him.  He had seen something in her, but she couldn't see it in herself. 

Muffled sounds from the hallway froze her blood and mind, stilling the nervous shake of her hands.  The distance masked any details she could piece from the noise.

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