John, just John: A Halo one-shot

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Been playing Halo 5 with my brother, and man is it good. We've only gotten through part of the campaign together, but I like the chase feel that it gives with you being able to play Osiris team, and of course Blue team, which is our favorite, sorry Locke. For some reason, don't know if it's the fact that my brother played Fred, and I masterchief, but I felt a closer bond between those two than Linda and Kelly. I also wonder at how John was still functioning after the loss of Cortana, obviously some time has passed between Halo 4 and 5, I just wonder at what happened during that time, how he coped, and how Blue team kept him moving.

Enjoy, comment, vote, and follow. You know, the usual. I love to hear from whoever happens upon my work, and love to talk with fellow fans. I know I'm not alone with these thoughts, so let me know if you felt the same!


Two person mission. No backup, no immediate escape. It was hard to measure bravery when most of your thoughts circled back to whether or not this would be that one mission; the one that finally finished it all. He didn't relay his words to Fred, who had his own helmet on, masking any clue to his partner's emotions. Right now he was on his own, his thoughts and emotions circling around the void that now filled his head. He was back with Blue team, but it was almost meaningless when the one partner he had always had was gone, leaving a hole not just in his head, but his heart. Cortana; that name flickered in his mind, repeating like a record that didn't know when to stop.

"John." He looked up at Fred, who's head was angled, indicating a question that he didn't particularly want to answer.

"I'm fine, Fred." Fred nodded, but still stared at him, not really letting it drop. John slipped his helmet back on, enjoying the small bit of privacy it offered before Linda's face popped up in his HUD, warning of their approach. The two of them stood from their seats, taking their guns, and standing near the ramp as it opened. Neither spoke while the Pelican descended, whipping gusts of air against their Mjolnir armor.

"You better be fine, John," Fred's face appeared in a private comm link, though he could see that his partner hadn't moved an inch from his position. "We didn't make it this far just to die out here." With those words said, he leaped off the ramp, letting his body enter a free fall towards the planet's surface. Master Chief stood on his own for a second, processing the words before he firmly nodded, following as fearlessly.

"Good luck you two," Linda messaged, turning the pelican around, and slipping back into the atmosphere. Master Chief leveled out his decline as he made it next to Fred, matching his pace perfectly, using his limbs to slow himself.

"3000 meters out." Fred ceased to use his body to slow down, angling himself further into a free fall. At this distance, there were no target lighting up their displays, their two dots all that could be shown. John matched his angle to Fred's, taut and ready for what would come next.

"2000 meters," Fred's voice was focused, not a sound of exhaustion or fear entering his speech. Soon they would need to slow down, or forever end up flattened on the surface even with their armor.

"1000 meters." Soon. They would land soon. Fred's body showed no sign of how soon that would happen, but the two of them had done this plenty of times to warrant the trust necessary. With a harsh jerk, Fred started his jet pack, making it fight against the fall they had entered. John did the same, feeling the rough jolt as his body fought the pull of gravity, and the gs that had welcomed him so eagerly. Even with the jet packs keeping them from free falling, it did nothing to keep them from descending, their decline still rapid enough to kill a regular human.

"165 meters," Fred released the jet pack, letting himself fall the rest of the way and landing on the ground below with a, 'thunk'. John landed beside him, standing as soon as his armor finished taking in the impact, his gun already scoping their surroundings. "Enemies?"

"Clear." They both relaxed in that second, keeping their guns ready, but letting the tenseness from the fall evaporate. "We move North?"

Fred nodded, remaining silent as he checked the map in his display. "Intel says it should be on the ridge to the north. Enemies camped inside the compound, no sign of human life present."

"Makes it easier," John stepped forward, taking his usual lead.

Fred followed silently, almost like he normally did, the silence seeming to be his air of focus until he spoke again. "You would tell me if you weren't ready for this, right?" John stopped and looked at his partner, unsure of what was transpiring.

"We have a mission, 104."

Fred only came closer, his gun lowered, but his stance rigid. "And I asked you a pertinent question, 117. Are you really combat ready?"

"I won't explain myself, Fred. We are spartans, not children."

"That doesn't make us robots. I don't know what you went through with losing Cortana, but don't let it rule you." Fred shook his head, stepping back. "Whatever is going on in that head of yours, we have your back. Blue team has your back no matter what." He laid his hand on John's shoulder, giving it a firm pat as he pushed forward, taking point.

"Understood," John replied, coming in behind him and walking ahead.

So, how was that?  If the distance tracking seemed inaccurate I'm sorry, but even the internet couldn't make that search any easier.  I tried looking up the distance between where you could actually leap out of planes, and that went south quick.  Other than the information though this was a fun write, and I hoped you enjoyed it.  Let me know what you thought in the comments below.  :)

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