Chapter Ten

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Luke sat up and began breathing really fast. Tears filling his eyes. I woke up and saw him. He looked terrified.

I sit up and move so that I'm directly in front of him. I place my hands on his shoulders and tell him to breathe, just like Mikey doesn't when I'm scared. I open my arms , offering him a hug. And he collapses into my arms,crying and shaking.

"I...I...I'm s..s..sorry," Luke says. While crying and struggling for breath.

"Luke it's ok, don't be sorry. It's ok. Just try calm down," I say as I begin to play with his hair again.
It seemed to calm him down better earlier so I tried it again. It worked and after about 5 minutes he was breathing normally again. Still crying, but not as hysterically now.
We layed down and Luke looked at me.
"I..I love you,"
I didn't know what to say back to him. So I just said
"I love you too," and I meant it. I really do love him.

I lay with him for about half an hour until he eventually falls asleep, snuggled up to me. I feel so bad for him. He looked scared for his life-horrified. I dread to think what he's been through to get to that point.
I look at my phone to see that it's now 6 am.

I don't know how long it was before I fell asleep. But I do know that it was a lot easier to fall asleep with Luke next to me, than it was at home all alone.

Hi guys. So a lot has happened these past few chapters. Sorry this ones so short. I'm gonna add more to it tomorrow if I have chance.

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