Chapter Twenty-six

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*noones pov*

The doctor unplugged the breathing machine and stepped back, looking down to avoid eye contact with anyone in the room, not wanting to break down himself.

The Nurse had her eyes fixed on the heart monitor, praying for it to leap into action and begin beeping, but there was nothing.

She's gone.

The air was full of the sound of cries of heartbroken boys.
"NOOOOOOOO" Michael screamed, his voice breaking as he rocked back and forth, stroking Lilly's hair as the tears fell from his face.
Calum screamed and began to hug Lilly with everything he had left in him.
Luke cried, he tried to scream but was taken over with a pain tearing at his insides.

She's gone.

The hallways echoed with the sounds of screams and cries as the boys struggled to accept that she was gone.

"Pronounced dead at 7.24pm on October 24th 2011"

Tears escaped the nurses eyes as she looked away, the sight of the boys breaking down grazing her heart.

She is gone, her life over quicker than it begun, leaving behind people who love her with everything they have in their hearts, leaving them to miss her with everything they have in their hearts. Their lives will never be the same again and nothing will ever fill the hole that she left behind.

Just as the nurse was about to pick up Lily's records and leave the machine sprang back into action, her heart began to slowly beat, she made it. She defied the odds and played death.

It was a miracle!! no one believed this had just happened. And the doctors believed it couldn't happen but it did! She may never be the same again, but she survived and the family are stronger than ever. She can grow up with her best friends and her boyfriend and they will all live long happy lives. Things are looking up and for them will only go up from here. It isn't the end for them it's only just the beginning.

Sorry for the extremley sad and depressing ending, I needed to finish the story soon and have planned this ending for a while, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and please leave feedback!

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