Chapter Fourteen.

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I woke up to the sound of Michael sleep talking and I roll over to see him crying in his sleep with a look of pure fear across his face.

"Michael!" I say as I hold onto his arm and shake him. 
"Michael wake up," I add.

He sits up and begins breathing really quickly and looking around the room as if he was expecting the room to be filled with monsters.

"Michael it's ok," I say.

He turns to look at me before collapsing back onto the bed and cuddling up to me. He stays silent and just sobs quietly. None of us attempt to move and we just stay cuddling each other until we are disturbed by a knock at the door.

"H..h..hello?" Luke's shy voice says from the other side of the door.

"Come in Luke," I say, and seconds later he walks in.

"Erm Darren and I made breakfast," he says looking down at his feet and crossing them over shyly.

"Thanks we'll be down in a few minutes," I say as I smile at him.

He smiles shyly at me before leaving the room and going back downstairs.

I look over to Michael who was curled up in a ball looking really upset.

"Hey sprout, food!" I say in attempt to try and cheer him up.

He looks up at me and nods before standing up and leaving the room.

I stay sat on my bed, feeling too unhappy to bother moving. I feel awful that he's so upset and there's nothing I can do to help him. I try to stand up but end up screaming in pain as my wounds fill me with unbearable pain. I collapse back onto the bed again and grip onto my head as the pain takes over me.

"Lilly? Lilly are you ok?" I hear Luke's voice saying as he walks into my room.

His face turns pale when he sees me and I realise that my stomach has began to bleed again, covering my clothes and the bedsheets in red.

"Oh's ok." He says as he walks over to me and picks me up bridal style.

He then begins to carry me downstairs to the living room where he gets the first aid kit.

He cleans the blood away and fixes me up with a fresh bandage before lying me down on the sofa with a fluffy blanket.

He put a DVD Into the TV and joins me, cuddling up to me on the sofa.

Darren and Mikey come in after they've finished their food and once they see me and Luke, Darren stops in his tracks and smiles admiringly at us.

"Hey I think you two need some alone time," he says as he winks at Luke.
"Michael and I will go out somewhere and leave you two to it," he adds with a smile before both boys leave.

"Luke you know why," he adds before he closes the door behind him, which causes Luke to look confused for a moment before he blushes, realising what Darren was talking about.

The two boys leave and me and Luke are left alone watching a movie that I didn't even know the name of.

I wasn't paying much attention to it to be honest. I was just enjoying the cuddling

About half an hour into the movie I realise that Luke is staring at me deeply.

"What?" I say giggling

"Err," he says as he blushes
"Well...... There's something I've been wanting to ask you for a while now," he adds.

He shuffles forwards so that we're both facing each other and he looks at me with an embarrassed expression.

"Well......erm....... The thing is Lilly........erm....... I was thinking.......well ," He began.

"Luke get on with it!" I say laughing slightly at his adorable shyness.

"Ok sorry..... You see the thing is, I....erm... really like you, and I love spending time with you, and being crazy with you, like making cookies and having flour fights. And the thing is...... Erm I'm sorry I've never asked anyone this before." He pauses for a moment before carrying on.

" But I was wondering if you maybe wanted to..." He turned away and his voice got quieter so I couldn't hear the end of the sentence.

"To what?" I say confused.

"To be girlfriend," he says as his checks flush a dark red and he looks down at his feet shyly and begins to cross them over.

A huge smile covers my face and I struggle to believe that this isn't a dream.

"Oh my god Luke!! Of course I will!" I say excitedly.

"I'm sorry I knew it was a silly idea," he says.

I pull his face towards me so that he's facing me now instead of looking away.

"Luke I said I would love to," I say.

"WHAT!! REALLY??!" He says as an adorable, dorky smile covers his face and he jumps up excitedly.

"Yes really!" I say smiling at him.

Then he pulls me into a warm hug which made me feel like his arms were the only place I belonged. I felt safe and happy and I never wanted this moment to end.

We stayed hugging each other for as long as I could remember, but eventually Luke pulled away and he just stared at me with a look of pure joy and happiness in his eyes.

"I love you Lilly," he says as he stares into my eyes.

"I love you too Lucas,"

Hey guys. This chapter has taken a while because I had no idea how to make it romantic (whoops) I had so many cute ideas on how he should have asked her. But in the end I just went with this one because it just felt right when I was writing it.
I hope you enjoyed it and I'm gonna update again soon 😊

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