Chapter sixteen

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After a long discussion , Darren and Luke decided that it would be a good idea for Luke and I to go for a meal somewhere I'd never heard of, then to go lazer shooting and then we were going to go watch a movie.
I'd never been lazer shooting before so I was excited for that, and the whole idea seemed perfect.

"So what do you think?"  Luke said, I didn't realise I had zoned out.

"Errr pardon?"

"Tomorrow ?" He said anxiously.

"Oh yeah, tomorrow sounds great," I say smiling at him. A huge adorable smile forms across his face when he hears my words, and we both are just sat there smiling like idiots while staring at eachother.

"WOOOOOOOO!!" Darren yells, ruining the moment, which causes me and Luke to laugh.

"Can we make cupcakes?" I hear Michael say, which causes me to laugh even more.

"Typical mikey," Darren says giggling.

"Yep," I add.

"Whaatt. I'm just hungry that's all," Michael says interrupting our laughter.

"Yeah exactly. Your always hungry," Darren replies.

"Anyway yeah sure. I bet it will be fun, we can all make them together," I say before we all stand up and head to the kitchen.

I pull all the mixing bowls out of the kitchen cupboard and all the things we need to make the cupcakes. Then I start to make them, with all the boys watching and copying me because they all had no idea what they were doing.

When we had finished the mixture we fill the baking cases and put them into the oven, before going back into the living room to wait for them to bake.

"Why cant penguins fly if they're birds?" Luke asked when we were all sat down.

"Errrr I don't know actually. Maybe every penguin on earth has broke their wings or something," Darren says.

"Maybe," Luke adds

"Are we all dinosaurs?" Michael asks.

"Don't be daft Michael," Darren says laughing.

"Hmm, well dinosaurs were like the first animals on the planet so we all evolved from them, so technically I think we are," I say.

"Ooh I've always wanted to be a dinosaur," Luke says, causing me to giggle at his cuteness.

The conversation carried on for 25 minutes of us just talking about weird and random things.

When the oven finally pinged we all went to the kitchen and decorated the cakes.

"We have 4 icing colours who wants what?" I say.

I pick up the blue one, Darren the green,Luke the purple and Mikey is left with the pink.

"Mines gonna look like someone's sneezed all over them." Darren says laughing at himself.

"Mines gonna be unicorn shit," Michael says, which makes everyone laugh.

We all concentrated on decorating our cupcakes. Darren and Michael just put as much icing as they could fit onto them, not really caring how they looked. Luke seemed to be getting really annoyed with himself so I asked if he needed any help.

"Err no thanks. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it, but thank you anyway," he says.

When I had finished I sat down and watched everyone else. Darren's were decorated quite well considering he had just dumped the icing onto them, Michael had decorated everything else as well as the cakes. He had gotten icing everywhere. Even in his hair!(which I'm not sure how he managed) and Luke had decorated his really neatly.

"Yours look really good Luke," I say.

He smiles and thanks me before bringing them to the table where I had left mine.

"Are you two done yet?"

"Yeah" Darren says before they both bring theirs to the table too.

We swapped some around so that we all had a few of each colour and ate them all. They were absolutely amazing, people always say that food tastes better when you make it with people you love and I agree.

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