Pretty Boy, You're Catching My Attention.

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Brian watched as Emilia set the lights to fit the song. He watched as her face showed concentration, making her seem angry. He leaned on the side of the stage, ankles crossed. His presence gained Emilia's attention making her eyes follow his black converse, up his tight army grey jeans, past his left arm upon his blue shirt, and finally up his empty neck to see his sunglassed covered face. He held his right elbow in his left Palm as he reluctantly smoked.

Emilia quickly looked away and paid attention to the list of songs. She had her CD player by her playing all the songs that were on the set list. Closing her eyes, she started to see colors in her head. Reds among blues and yellows. The soft melodic sound soothed her as Hang On To Your IQ played. She quickly noted her vision of colors next to HANG on the set list. Emilia prepared the lights on her board, dimming the others to make a soft effect and bringing out the yellow when the first few notes started.

She then transitioned blue to fade in a bit too go along. Finally, she faded out yellow and left blue and red when the sound got heavier. Emilia jumped when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked over to an older man, taking out her ear buds. "I'm living the lights for this, I think bringing in a bit of a umm... low cloud of fog will tie it all in. Thoughts?"

Looking towards the light stage, she imaged it. Loving the idea, she nodded. "Yea, yea! You mean like bringing in some from the right wing and the drum area?"

He nodded, liking over his set of the set list. "Yea, I want more on the back, not enough to suffocate the summer, but enough were it travels to Brian's side, kinda fading by then, ya'know?"

Emilia followed the man's hands as he talked facing the stage. "I think that's great!"

He moved a bit, writing down his notes and then walked off. Her walkie-talkie startled her when it came on. She didn't put too much attention seeing as she wasn't needed. Her eyes scanned the stage, trying to catch a glimpse of either the tall lean man or either on of the two short men.

This whole past three weeks of tour, Emilia didn't see the guys much since she had to be up very early to help set up the stage, set up the sound booth, and put up the lights. By the time she had a break, she would go back to the bus to rest for a bit and look over the schedule their tour manager our up each day. And each day was always busy for the band, consisting of interviews, photos and press.

It was tiring, but rewarding to work on tours like these, so she never complained. Though Emilia would see glimpses of the guys when she worked, it wasn't enough. When it was time to pack up, they would be partying with other bands. When they couldn't sleep, they were to tried to talk or get out of their bunks. There was no in between.

Emilia finished up her work and left. She looked at her watch and noticed it was time for lunch. She sighed, walking to catering. Once she got there she stood behind the formed line and waited her turn. "-he's just a junky that I'd fuck."

"Well... He is attractive. So... Yea, I'd totally fuck him too."

"You both have no fucking respect for yourselves and others. PLEASE, shut the fuck up."

Everything got quiet. Emilia felt nervous. She didn't want to be near a forming fight, she just wanted food. "Excuse me? How is that any different from when a male says it?"

"I never-"

"No, if a guy said it, that would be ok. But if a female said it it's suddenly a bad and horrible thing to say? You said we had no fucking respect for ourselves because of a comment. What does that make a guy if he would have said it?" The unknown girl sneered.

The other girl stood quietly as the man tried to talk. Emilia noticed that there was a lot of feminists here. There was also a handful of queers, hipsters, Goths and any other type of genre among those. It was a very open environment, mostly Placebo and Mindless Self Influence fans populated each venue. So there was bound to have some issues based on sexuality and opinions.

"It's different!"

"It's actually not, fucking learn before you speak, asshole."

"Fuck you, this is why females shouldn't be hired to work a man's job."

Though Emilia wanted to avoid a fight, his comment made her cringe. How close minded could a person be? How does the role sexes even play in the working community? Women could be twice as smart and hard working than most of these men.
With that thought in mind, Emilia whipped around and moved the girl to the side. The guy looked at her as she raised her fist and punched him.

"Hey, I guess you expected a weak punch since I have a VAGINA, huh?" She sneered at the man who was holding his bleeding nose. "Close minded jerks like you shouldn't even have room the breathe. I'm sorry your dick is as small as your brain."

Brian rubbed his eyes, tired from the party the day before. "Imma go get food." He mumbled to Stefan. He left the bus and made the five minute walk to catering.

Walking in, he noticed Emilia holding up red fist. His eyes traveled her sight to see a man holding his bloody nose. He walked closer, moving people to the side to get to her faster. "Emilia?!"

She snapped her angry gaze from bloody nose to scrawny Brian. Her eyes flickered between the men and her hand. Realizing the attention was on her, she put her fist down and turned to get a plate of food. She didn't know what to say. She had never been violene, but the bloody nosed man comments pissed her off.

Emilia wasn't a feminist. No, she didn't really care much for it. It was too much hassle for her personally and it took to much energy on her opinion. She was grateful that there were woman who fought for equal rights, but that just wasn't for her. She supported anyone part of the movement, even donated money, but never was she an official member.

"Milly, wait up!" She heard Brian yell behind her. She walked off quickly trying to find somewhere to hide from Brian. This was not how she wanted to see him again.

"Milly!!" Brian pulled her into his arms, tightly wrapping them around her. "C'mon, let's go cool you off." He said leading her back to the bus.

Once there, he walked her to the back and placed her food in her bunk. She sat on the couch an burried her face in her shaking hands. He finally sat down next to her and rubber her back, a method he found that calmed her.

"It's ok, he deserved it." He said. He didn't know what happened, but it seemed right to say at the moment.

She calmed her breathing and leaned in towards her friend. "Im so sorry." She whispered.

He removed her hands and held her face. "Don't be, never be sorry for hitting someone who's so idiotic. I don't know what happened, I don't need to know, but he probably deserved it."

She bit her lip and nodded. "What if they call my boss? What if I have to leave tour?"

Brian shook his head. "That's not gonna happen. I won't let it. If it does, I'll make sure he leave with a bad note of recommsndations. He'll never be hired from anyone here ever again."

"But... it's what he said. I acted upon, not him."

"I don't care."

Emilia didn't know what to say, so she sat quietly with her head tucked under his chin. He wrapped his arms around her, content with holding her after three weeks.

Sometimes, when everyone was sleeping and he couldn't, Brian would open his bunk curtian and hers a bit and watch her sleep. Yes, it was creepy, but it made him feel calm.. happy.

Brian moved to reach over to grab his acoustic. Emilia moved a bit, watching him as he started to strum.

Pretty boy
Pretty little view
Of voilet eyes.

Pretty girl
One day
Swaying side to side she caught his attention
Disappeared into oblivion

Pretty boy
She said
Pretty boy you're catching my attention
I can't seem to concentrate

Emilia sat, listening to his soothing voice. She had never heard him play acoustic. His voice was softer and calmer without having to strain it like he usually does. She loved the rawness, she loved her secret session.

Pretty girl
He said
Pretty girl I now can die happy
Would you do the honors?
I'm six feet underground...

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