This Is The Part Where We Regret This.

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"Today's an off, why did you have to wake me up so damn early?"

"I need company."

"You could easily find someone who isn't so damn hungover, Stefan."

"Yes, but we don't really hang out. We need to do things together in order for me to see if you are good enough."

She looked at the bassist in confusion. "Excuse me? Good enough for what exactly?"

Stefan only grinned at the hungover bed head girl. Her eye were red, rimmed and dirtied by eyeliner. Her usual red lipstick stained the side of her mouth and cheek. She looked like a hot mess, one that Stefan was determined to figure out for his muse.

"When the day comes, but right now, let's fix you up. You look worse than my cat."

She flipped him the bird. "You keep insulting me." She ignored him and turned over to the wall of her bunk bed. "Fuck off."

Stefan sighed and climbed in. He took out a few pills out of his pocket and turned her over. "I brought you some Advil and water to help, be nice of bye bye they g-"

He didn't even have time to finish his sentence when Emilia quickly turned and snatched them out of his hand. She gulped the two pills down, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, smearing more of her red lipstick. "Thanks, tall man. I'll forgive you if you start a shower for me."

Stefan rolled his eyes but dos as she asked. Once Emilia was done and ready for the day, Stefan called a cab who took them to the nearest mall.

They walked around and talked about how they met Brian, how she got into sound engineering and how he got into men. As they walked around, they recognized a few other roadies and band members.

"Oh, let's go here. I need new bras." She said as she wrapped her arm around his and dragged him into a lingerie shop. He rolled her eyes at her. "I may be gay, but that doesn't mean I'm up to do any girly shit like movies like to display."

Emilia snorted. "I wasn't expecting you to. I just need to get some bras since most of mine are old and shitty." They walked around, stopping to look at some underwear once in a while.

"Instead of getting a separate bra, get a set." Stefan said.

"Yea but why? Who am I gonna wear them for?"

Stefan once again rolled his eye at her. "Yourself." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Wear them underneath your clothes to make yourself feel superior. It's like a little secret between you and your ego that no one knows about."

She smiled at the tall man, thankful for his blunt characteristic. "You're so right! Let's go look at some."

He led her to a section where some sexy and skimpy sets were. She picked out a few with Stefan's help. "Go try them on." He said as he took out his phone.

Emilia walked to the front of the check out and asked for a fitting room. Once she was directed to a room, she made sure the curtain was closed on both sides to avoid an awkward situation.

She took off her clothes and threw them in a pile in the the corner of the fitting room. She took off her bra and underwear and put on the new burgundy set.

Emilia gained the confidence that Stefan talked about. She looked at her self up and down in the long mirror. She turned around and checked out her ass, posing. Emilia became satisfied with her pick. Disputes what Stefan said about him not being like the typical gay in the movies, she wanted his opinion. She wanted a reaction from a gay man that would boost her ego further.

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