Come Home.

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Tour was over for Brian, which meant only one thing: He got to go home to his lover.

Sighing, the pale man sat in his seat, 10B, looking around the plane. Taking notice of other strangers getting settled in, he saw his other two band mates sitting together.

'Why are we not sitting together?' Brian thought.

He sat straight in his seat and closed his eyes. "Alright everybody, welcome and thanks for flying with British Airways. We will take off in a short moment."

Brian breathed in and out. He opened his eyes to see that people where still coming in and settling down. He watched the front of the plane, studying everyone who came through.

That's when he saw her.

Bright green eyes, black shiny messy hair pulled up into two buns, a semi lose red Sex Pistols shirt, black skin tight jeans, lace up boots, finished off with a leather jacket that held pins and patches of bands Brian had heard of.

He watched as the green eyed girl looked down at her plane ticket. She looked up and squinted. She smiled when she found where she was sitting at.

She patiently waited and walked to her destination, letting the strangers in front of her settle into their assigned seats.

Brian became nervous as she got closer to him. He looked over at the empty seat next to him, the other was broken and there for had a yellow tape and a sign that said 'DO NOT USE' stuck on it.

She rechecked her ticket and looked up to meet Brian's gaze on her. She gave a sly smile and stood next to him.

"May I squeeze in, please?" she kindly said.

Her voice was sweet, one of those voices that you rarely heard in someone. Brian unbuckled himself and stood. He got out of her way, letting her to her seat, then sat back down.

Buckling himself once more, Brian reached to his bag that sat under the seat of the person in front of him. The girl watched his shaky hands as he opened zippers and searched through.

She looked outside the small window and watched as workers brought their luggage in carts. Brian put everything up and opened a new case of gum he had snuck in. He put a blue strip in his mouth and chewed.

Brian was a nervous flyer, he wasn't those "Fuck fuck i'm going to fucking die, fuck!" nervous flyer. He was more of a "Oh, my ears popped, shit, that's ok. Calm down. Six hours will go fast. No worries" kind of flyer.

Next to him, was another nervous flyer. He watched her movements as she went through her bag. Brian saw three packets of cigarettes, a phone, a book, a notebook, a transparent bag that showed her makeup, and another bag of pencils.

She sighed and rested her head on the seat. She rubbed her eyes and nervously started to scratch her thigh. Her leg moved rapidly up and down. She felt a tap on her shoulder making her look at the stranger.

A pale, dark haired, light-greenish blue eyed, skinny man named Brain Molko held a opened pack of gum towards her.

He knew by her actions that she was a nervous flyer. She grabbed one and quickly unwrapped it. The put the blue gum strip in her mouth and chewed.

"Thank you..." she trailed off trying to get his name, not to sound like an idiot.

"Brain, Brian Molko." he said transferring the pack of gum to his other hand. He held his right hand out for her to shake.

"Emilia Sinclair." she said shaking his cold hand.

"Nervous flyer?" he asked retreating his hand back. He put the gum back where it first was and made himself comfortable.

"Nervous and anxious," she said letting a quite small laugh "yourself?"

He returned the laugh as he ran a hand through his long hair. "Yes, but it only got worse when I first saw the seat next to me."

She looked past him and cringed. "Jesus, now i'm really nervous." she said biting her lip. She sat back and looked at Brian.

"I can't help but notice your jacket," Brian said motioning towards it. "I actually quite love it, really. Dead Kennedys, Sex Pistols, Sonic Youth, The Pixies, and David Bowie. All great taste."

She smiled bigger and nodded. "Indeed! I'm actually going to see David Bowie in a few days after today. I'm excited!"

That began a conversation between both strangers that would change the outcome of their futures.

As the plane landed, they both walked out the plane chatting and laughing. People turned to look at them thinking they were an item, sadly that wasn't close to the real thing.

"So I guess that I'll see you at the Bowie concert?" she said.

They stood afar from the gate of the plane. Brain was waiting on his other band mates to hurry out. Emilia stood in front of him.

"Yes, you will indeed." Brian said with the biggest smile he had ever smiled.

"Great! Should we exchange numbers or just randomly find each other?" she asked.

"Lets exchange because I hate searching." he said chuckling.

They switched phones and put their numbers in the New contact page. She smiled much more and saved her number. "Here you go, I need to go now if I want to catch a train. It was nice meeting you Brian. Til then!"

She handed him his phone and leaned in for a hug. Brain was surprised. He has never met someone like her. Not one that would hug after just meeting.

"Til then!" Brian happily said.

He watched her walk away as she got her passport out to be scanned. He looked back at his friends and thought 'Not once have we mention or asked what we did for living' and Brian liked that.

His girlfriend knew about him and what he did. She was a fan before they met. She bought a VIP pass to meet them and BAM! a month later they we're an item.

He was treated differently with her. With her he felt like a singer in a band, a "God" as his girlfriend would say. Yet with Emilia was different. He was treated just as Brain Molko, a stranger on a plane. Nothing else. He felt normal.

Thinking of this made him realise that not once had he thought of Mandy, his girlfriend of five months, while he met the green eyed stranger.

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