Not There... Yet.

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Brian clicked on web pages trying to find a decent apartment. He sat on Emilia's bed with highlighted newspapers and sticky notes scattered around the laptop.

Emilia was held back at work. A client's kid had locked themself in the bathroom after she had to take them out for ice cream.

She didn't understand how baby sitting was part of her job right now. Sound engineering did not go with kids.

Frustrated and exhausted, she had to climb through the outside window which led to the inside. Luckily enough, there was a sink below it, yet she slipped and fell causing her to scrape her knee on the broken faucet.

She winced and held her aching knee as she searched for the kid. She looked under the closed stalls and found a pair of Tonka light up shoes.

If this kid wanted to play games. Well, that's what the kid will get.

"Oh come out, come out where ever you are," she said walking closer to the stall.

A giggle echoed through the bathroom, giving away the kids hiding spot. She stopped in front of the stall and opened it slowly, making sure she didn't hit the kid with the door.

"FOUND YOU!" she exclaimed and proceeded to tickle the child endlessly.

After what seemed forever, they made their way to the back lounge where her mother, who was obviously drunk, sat on a guys lap as he fingered her up her skirt.

Emilia instantly looked down at the little eight year old girl and smiled sadly at her. She looked up at her, away from her mothers antics, and held Emilia's finger tighter.

"I need a little help with the lights. Wanna help me?" She asked the little girl.

She nodded and followed her to the middle of the palladium. They faced the front of the stage and she sat her on the stool. Emilia let her move buttons and help her pick a color that went with the mood of a song.

"I miss mommy," the little girls voice interrupted Emilia's train of thought, "I miss my dad too."

Emilia bit her lip. She knew how this little girl felt. She had gone through the similar thing. She gave the girl a pat on the top of her hand for reassurance. "I do too."

Brian gave up for the day.

Exhausted and irritated, he decided to call Stefan Olsdal, his fellow band mate, and invite him for dinner.

He was still in his boxers with a long black t-shirt with 'BELIEVE' in the middle. He got up and went to where his bags were. He got out black jeans and clean socks. He hummed a song he was working on as he changed and moved around Emilia's room.

"Cherry wine, coke, and ecstasy your gonna blow your mind. I understand-"

The door opened and Emilia came in. He saw the tired look on her face. The red eye shadow around her eyes was fading, half of her DECEDENTS shirt was tucked in, she was missing a boot, and her beanie hid her messy hair.

"How was your day?" Brian asked.

He received a grunt, making the pale boy chuckle. "I see it went swell, the concert is in 3 hours. I'm going to lunch with my friend, you're welcome to join."

She sighed and nodded. She sat on the bed and laid back, closing her eyes. "Thanks, but I'll pass. I want to rest before Bowie. I don't want to miss a thing."

Brian sat next to her, looking over at her. "Have you even eaten?"

She shook her head. "No, I gave my food to a munchkin."

"I'll grab you something to eat, is a sandwich alright?"

She chuckled, "that's pretty much all you know how to make?"

He playfully flicked her nose. "Shut up, its still food."

She shoved his hand away and opened her eyes. "Fine, fine, go ahead and make me the best sandwich ever."

He got up and pulled her with him. She walked behind him to her kitchen. She watched as Brian concentrated on her 'dinner' and smiled every time he would place the cheese on the bun, but part of it was off a bit, making him sigh in annoyance.

"I'm still going to eat it Brian, don't fuss." She said.

She got a drink out for herself and offered one to Brian, which he declined. Once down with her food and out of swear words, Brian sat the plate that held two sandwiches in her hands.

"I tried." He simply stated.

She kissed his cheek in appreciation and thanked him. "You're leaving right?"

Nodding, he walked to clean the mess he made from cooking, "Yeah, I'll be back soon." He held himself from saying 'home' because even though it felt like it, it wasn't.

"Okay, have a great time!" She yelled after him as he walked out her apartment.

He walked to his car and got in. After a few minutes of driving, he got to Robert's Bar and met Stefan inside, where they greeted each other.

"So, how is it with umm.... Mandy?" Stefan said as he tried to remember her name.

Brian shrugged, "Dunno, don't care. I'm just glad she's out of my hair."

Stefan beamed at him, "That's great to hear! You always looked so miserable."

He laughed and took a sip from his drink, Brian followed. "It really is. I feel free. Very carefree actually."

Stefan chuckled, "So how did infamous Brian get the balls to breakup with sadistic Mandy? You usually chicken out."

Brian rolled his eyes at him, "Jerk."

"Pussy, now do tell this tale. I'm radiating with anticipation here!" He drummed his hands on the table making an annoying sound of spoons bouncing.

"Can you quit it! People are staring!" Brian said as he tried to grab Stefan's hands.

"Fine, fine, but you have to tell."

"Fine," he sighed, "on the way here, on the plane, I met someone. I'm not saying who, but that person helped me out and basically told me to suck it up. Mandy came home and at first she didn't want to talk, but I didn't let her get her way. I told her how I felt and why and ta-da I am now selling my apartment and looking for a new one."

"So this person basically Cha-Cha-Chia'd your balls? Wait, if you're selling, where are you about?"

Brian gave a small chuckle "With the person. They're letting me crash for a few days before I find what I want and leave."

"Urgh, just tell me who it is! I'm your best friend and I deserve to know!" He said.

"Nahh, you'll meet them one day. I promise."

Stefan waves it off with a roll of his eyes, annoyed at his friend of five years. "Fine, keep secrets then. They're more your style."

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