I Understand, But Nothing Happened.

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When Brian got home, his girlfriend, Mandy, had set up the table in their fancy plates and silverware that Brian didn't even know they had.

Two white candles stood lit between the wine and the glass cups. The table was covered in a white table cloth and grey place mats.

He looked around and walked to his bedroom to put away his dirty clothes and shower. He stood in the middle of his room, thinking.

He didn't move a single muscle, not even when Mandy wrapped him a tight hug. She reached up and kissed him. Brian finally looked at her and wished he has seen the Bright green eyes that he saw in the plane, not these shiny boring brown ones.

"Are you okay, Love? You usually spin me around." Mandy said.

Brian shook his head and rubbed the side of his temple. "Just have a headache, that's all."

She looked doubtful, but nodded. "I love what you did with the table. Are we having dinner with someone?"

Mandy shook her head, "No, it's for us. I decided to make a fancy dinner for us. The food is still warm. I'll put your stuff away while you shower and get ready."

He nodded and walked into the bathroom. Mandy took his suitcase and laid it on his bed. She started to get all the clothes, dirty or not, and dumped it into a laundry basket. Once nothing was left in the suitcase, she put it in the closet and grabbed the basket. She put them to wash and went to make sure the boxes that the food came in where gone from Brian's view.

As Brian finished up his shower, he walked out with a towel around his torso and grabbed his phone off the counter. He stood in front of the sink and went through his email and messages.

"Baby, are you almost done?" Mandy asked entering into the bathroom without knocking.

Brian hated that. He hated when no one knocked or waited to be led in. It almost made his blood boil as just as much when he would see dogs with shoes on. 'Who the fuck invented those shitty shoes for dogs?' Brian thought.

He sighed and closed his eyes. His head bowed down with his phone in hands. "No, but I'll be out in a few, Mands." he murmured using her nickname he had given her.

She smiled at the view of her lovely god boyfriend and scanned his body. She bit her lip and walked towards him. She wrapped her arms around him from behind and kissed each boney shoulder blade of his.

"Please, Mandy, let me hurry up for dinner." he said patting her hands.

She retreated and nodded. "I'll be in the kitchen. Hurry or the food will get cold."

She walked away and left the door open. It only made Brian much more annoyed. He opened his phone to create a new note and started to type.

I get so damn annoyed when no one leaves me alone while I'm busy. It's much more annoying when the person knows that it's annoying. Fuck, everything and everyone is annoying.

He put his phone down and finally, after his peace being interrupted once again with another faint "Brian! Dinner is started to get cold!", he got finished getting ready.

He was in no mood for any dinner. Actually, he never was. Brian always wanted to go straight to bed and rest up after arriving home.

But once again, Mandy had other plans.

Mandy saw her boyfriend make his way to the table in black jeans, a black button up shirt, and no shoes. His wet hair was parted down the middle showing his beautiful eyes.

He sat down and took in every detail of the fancy set up on the table. She bit her lip as his eyes met hers. "You could have at least put on shoes too, Bri. You took enough time."

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