shhh shut up,
i may not wise like a philosopher,
but people regonize,
my arts in this piece of paper.
i dont wanna brag bro,
but this is a reality,
stop being a fag tho,
if you dare, come here and spit me.with your puny verse and rhymes,
i will take you anytime,
just name it, where and when?
fuck it, im ready man.stop being judgemental with your mentality,
stop being a mental with your own boundary.
enough talk and screaming my name dude,
come here, spit some shit,
i'll make you go mute.
Contengan Emosi
Randomkarya karya random yang datang secara tiba tiba lalu merogol minda. seribu satu emosi. marah,sedih,kecewa, gembira. ada jenis rap, ada puisi, ada sajak, ada quotes. random things. enjoy.