Chapter 1: Reaping Day

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I woke up at eight AM and went downstairs to eat breakfast. My mom had cooked homemade buttermilk waffles which she only makes on rare occasions. She handed me a plate with two fluffy ones on it when I sat down next to Axel at the breakfast table. My dad came in about twenty seconds after me and sat down on the opposite side of Axel. 

"So, Clove, you nervous?" my dad asked me. I spit out the piece of waffle I was chewing and started laughing. 

"Nervous? Dad, did you just ask me if I was nervous? You're not serious, right?" I asked him cleaning up the waffle I spit out. 

"I was just wondering, sweetheart," he said. 

"Dad, if anything I'm the opposite of nervous. I actually think I'm ready to volunteer this year." I said starting to eat my waffles again. He dropped his fork and looked at me surprised. "What? I've been thinking about this for a while. It's not like it's a last minute decision."

"Clove, don't you think you should've talked to us first?" he asked me. 

"Honey what's going on over there?" my mom asked him. 

"Clove, our daughter, is going to volunteer this year." he said.

"There's nothing wrong with wanting to represent District 2." I said. 

"Agreed but," he started. 

"No buts! I'm doing this because I want to. It'll only benefit you guys. What'll happen is I'll win and we'll all get to live in the Victor's Village." I said. 

"But what if you don't win?" Axel asked me. 

"Axel, that's not even a question. I will win." I tell him. There's a long pause. 

"Well, Clove, we'll have to dress you extra special for the reaping then. I don't want to have my baby girl look like any other citizen of Panem for her last reaping. I'll go find something." my mom says and leaves the kitchen. 

When she came back down, she was holding a short-sleeved, navy-blue sundress that had a red belt to go around it. "Mom," I started to say.

"Honey, you'll look beautiful. Don't even think about you standing out. You'll look so much nicer when you volunteer if your wearing this dress than you would wearing some gray or white dress that looks like everyone else's." she said. I stood up and she held it against me. "I can't believe my baby girl is going to be in the Hunger Games! This is so exciting!"

I got dressed around eleven and my mom did my hair. She twisted the hair on the sides of my head in a very unique style and pulled all of my hair into a ponytail. It looked really pretty. 

"Thanks, mom." I said when she finished. I did look beautiful in that dress and with the way my mom did my hair. I don't usually think that. Especially on Reaping Day. 

After lunch, when the horn buzzed for the people of District 2 to come to the reaping, my parents, Axel, and I left for the square. The square is where all special events happen in District 2. Luckily, we live close so we don't have to travel far. 

When we got there, I signed in and my family went to the back of the square to watch. I waved to them as soon as we parted.

I was standing in the fifteen-year old section of  the female side of the square. There weren't many of us this year. Probably only about ten? Maybe fifteen? I don't know. Most of the teens were smiling and talking with one another. I just stood there and waited patiently. I don't see a point in making friends. I'll probably end up killing them eventually if they're a boy and they're picked as a tribute. 

Finally, at two o'clock, everyone had signed in. We watched a short film about why the Hunger Games exist and then a lady from the Capitol began to talk. 

"Welcome, everyone," she said. "The time of year has finally come to pick the tributes that will be participating in the 74th Annual Hunger Games. First, we'll decide the male tribute." The lady goes over to the reaping bowl filled with the names of every boy in District 2 from ages twelve to eighteen. She grabs one name out and brings it back to the microphone. "The male tribute representing District 2 in the 74th Annual Hunger Games is.... Ryker Smatts!"

I hear a familiar voice say, "I got you bro," and then a boy walks out, not Ryker, and looks out at the stage. "I volunteer!" he says. He looked about sixteen years old. I know I know him. I just can't remember his name. 

He walked confidently up to the stage and then to the microphone. He had spiked blonde hair and blue eyes. I knew him from training. He was being trained to be a peacekeeper. 

"My name's Cato Hadley and I'm proud to be representing District 2, my district, in the 74th Annual Hunger Games. You all know what I can do so respect that and don't get in my way when I win this thing." Cato said looking out at the square. 

"Well, Cato, we're happy to know you'll be serving District 2 well." the Capitol lady said. "Now, for the female tribute." She walked over to the reaping bowl filled with the names of every girl in District 2 from ages twelve to eighteen. She pulled out a name and walked back to the microphone. "Ferris Jones!"

The girl who stood right next to me started to walk up to the stage but I stopped her. "I volunteer as tribute!" I yell so the lady from the Capitol can hear me. Ferris looks angry with me. 

"No! I was picked so I'm going to be the tribute!" Ferris yells. I punch her in the head hard knocking her out and onto the ground. Everyone is looking at me and I enjoy every bit of it. Ferris won't regret me doing that. 

"Volunteer, please come to the stage," the Capitol lady says to me. I walk confidently up to the stage and shake the lady's hand with a smile. "What is your name, dear?"

"Clove; Clove Kentwell." I say into the microphone proud of what I just did to Ferris. I look at Cato to see his approval and he seems impressed with what I just did. I notice that Ferris is being carried away by a group of six peacekeepers.

"Well, District 2, we now have your tributes! Cato Hadley and Clove Kentwell! To you both," the Capitol lady looked at Cato and me. "May the odds be ever in your favor."

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