Chapter 12: The Hovercraft

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The people in the hovercraft immediately put me on a gurney and gave me a shot of anasthesia. 

When I woke up, I was in a lot of pain and I was somewhere I didn't quite recognize. It seemed like a hospital room but much nicer than any I've ever seen. Holt walked in the room and noticed I was awake. 

"Hey, sleepy head," he said sitting in the chair next to my hospital bed. I looked at him expressionless. "Congratulations on winning the games. I'm sorry it had to end the way it did but that's the way it is. You can't change the past; only the future."

"I know." I said looking away from him. "Why'd they put me under? Why'd they put me to sleep?" 

"Clove, when the games are over, they usually solve any medical problems there were on the victor to the best of their ability. You had a swollen eye, scars on your abdomen and were very underweight." Holt explains to me. "Listen, I was over one hundred pounds when I entered the games and when I got out, I was seventy-five. I was a wreck too. I didn't have all the allies and opportunities you did. You were lucky. I mean, you could've come out without a scratch but you have a big heart and I'm glad you did what you thought was right."

"Thanks, Holt." I said to him. 

"I'm going to leave you alone now to check out what the results of your remake are. There's a bathroom and a giant mirror through that door over there. Rendalia is ready for you when you decide you're ready to come out." Holt said as he left the room. 

I walked over to the bathroom and inside was a large three-way mirror. I took off my hospital gown and noticed that all the scars were mostly gone. You could see them really faintly but only if you looked real close. My eye was back to normal and I seemed like I was my normal weight again. It was weird to walk on my feet now that I was back to my normal weight. It was weird to be somewhere and not have to worry about defending myself. It was weird to be safe. 

"Rendalia?" I called down the hall opening the door. I was in my hospital gown. Rendalia came running down the hall immediately with a big cardboard box in her hands. 

When Rendalia entered the room, she closed the door behind her and pulled a gorgeous sparkly gold dress out of the box along with a pair of matching heels. 

"I think if we pull your hair up into a curly, messy-yet-beautiful, extravagant bun, you'll look absolutely gorgeous." Rendalia said with a smile. 

I changed into the dress as quickly as I could. At least it was comfortable. Then, Rendalia did my hair all fancy like she said she would and I put on the matching heels.

"Gorgeous!" Rendalia said pleased with her work. "They are absolutely going to love you!" 

"Wait, what is this for?" I ask her. 

"You're post-games interview with Caesar of course!" she said. "Then, in two months, after you've gotten settled in your new home in the Victor's Village, you'll go on a victory tour and you'll get to speak in front of every District  and wear plenty of new, beautiful dresses. I just can't wait!"

I remember from the last games how the victor did an interview in each District in Panem and then became a mentor for the following year's tribute. 

Rendalia leaves me alone in the room for about ten minutes before I'm escorted to the stage. My nails are painted gold to match the dress. I look around the room once more to make sure I didn't leave any valuables.

The last place I check is under the bed. Under the bed, I find a small package with my name on the top. I take it out and place it on the top of my bed. Quickly and carefully, I unwrap it and open the box. Inside is my mother's dress I wore to the reaping this year. I hold it close and can faintly smell my mother in the fabric. 

Rendalia opens the door and then sees me with the dress. "Ah, yes, a little gift from President Snow. He told me to leave it under your bed." she says to me. I place the dress back in the box and leave it on the bed. 

"Will they send this back home for me?" I ask Rendalia. 

"Yes, I'm sure of it." she responded. "Now, come on, we have to get to the stage." 

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