Chapter 9: Day 2

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I woke Teagan up the next morning. I couldn't wait to start killing some tributes (as cruel as it sounds); specifically Cato.

"Anyone try to attack us last night?" Cato asked me rubbing his eyes walking out of the cornucopia.

"No," I responded. He started to walk away but then I stopped him. "Hey wait," I slid down the side of the cornucopia and walked up to where he was stopped. "I think we should go out today; you know, looking for tributes? I think Glimmer, Marvel, and the other guys'll watch the camp for a few hours if that's okay with you."

"Sure, let me just eat something first. I can't function without food when I wake up." Cato said.

We all sat down together to eat breakfast. We had some crackers, bread, and we each had a piece of fruit. We still had plenty of supplies left and we'll be able to eat a lot more once Cato's gone. He's the one with the largest appetite.

"Hey, Teagan, I thought you might want a break tonight to rest in the cornucopia so I'll keep watch alone." I said.

"I'll keep watch with you if you want, Clove." Glimmer said to me.

"Nah, it's okay. I'll be fine." I say to Glimmer. "You should get your sleep anyways." I think that everyone was fine with me keeping watch. I'm sure they all thought I was trustworthy.

"We'll be back in an hour or two. Marvel, keep watch while we're gone. I'm not taking my sword. It's too heavy to run with. I've got a few knives." Cato said. The smaller the weapon he has, the easier it'll be to kill him.

We walked into the forest (my first time) and immediately saw something move in a bush. Cato started to laugh and walked over to the bush. He shook it and a bird flew out of it. "Really?" he said sarcastically and then we moved on.

I followed Cato deep into the woods. We needed to get as far away from the other tributes as possible.

All of a sudden, I heard the sound of feet pounding on the ground crunching leaves. I turned around to see the boy from seven running at me. He had no weapons but he was pretty big. Cato stepped in front of me before the boy could get to us and attacked the boy when he got here. He strangled him to the ground, not as easily as he thought he could, and put a knife to his throat. The boy struggled to get out of Cato's grip but just couldn't.

"Now, I know you were with other tributes. I saw you run off with the boys from District 3 and District 5. Tell me where they are," Cato threatened him. The boy shook his head no and started to cry as the knife drew blood from under his chin. "Tell me where they are," Cato said sternly.

"I don't know," the boy cried. I kept watch while Cato tortured him. No one was around at all. Not in the trees, not hiding in bushes, nowhere. This was the perfect place to kill Cato too. As Cato lifted his arm up ready to stab the boy, I grabbed a knife and thrust it into the back of his head. Immediately, both the boy from seven and Cato were dead. Cato's knife killed the boy from seven and my knife killed Cato. I had to kill him. I just had to. Maybe not this soon but I had to. Two cannons went off signaling the death of Cato and the other boy.

Quickly, before I ran off, I grabbed the boy from seven's backpack and Cato's knives. It couldn't hurt to have a little more supplies. I scavenged through the boy's backpack and found a water bottle, a loaf of bread, a cooked groosling bird, and a long rope.

Just then, I felt a jolt of guilt hit me hard. How could I kill Cato? He trusted me and I killed him the second day in the games; it hasn't even been 24 hours since the games started. I mean, I know Holt told me to kill him but, I don't know. I don't think he would've killed me.

I continued walking through the forest. The sun was blazing today and I was sweating more than I ever have in District 2. I took a big sip from the water bottle that I'd just retrieved and sat down under a tree. I could've climbed it but I didn't want to be closer to the sun.

I decided I'd make traps while I was sitting. First, I camouflaged myself with branches and other stuff. I didn't want to be caught while I was making a trap for someone else to get caught in.

About an hour later, I had made a net out of the rope. I attached four rocks to the four corners of the net and decided I was finished.


I slowly turned around and peeked behind the tree to see the girl from five sneaking past the tree. In her arms, she had a sleeping bag and an uneaten apple. Where did she get an apple from? I decided I'd stay hidden until I knew she was far away. I wasn't going to risk her attacking me.

Five minutes after I was positive she was gone, I decided to make my way back to camp. I quietly ran my way back. The rocks were hard to hold in the backpack but I managed anyway.

When I was in sight of the other tributes at the camp, I ran to them. I acted as if I'd been crying.

"Where's Cato?" Glimmer asked me.

"There was an incident." I say. Marvel comes over. "The boy from seven, he kind of snuck up and attacked Cato. He killed him and then I killed the boy from seven. He must not have seen me because he was really surprised. I threw my knife at him and hit him hard in his right eye. The knife must've gone through his skull and brain because he died shortly afterwards."

"I'm sorry," Glimmer said patting my shoulder. Marvel was just looking down at the ground.

"On the bright side, I got more supplies and made a net out of a rope I found in the boy from seven's backpack." I said. Glimmer and Marvel laughed and we walked back to the rest of the group. It seems that they took Cato's death pretty lightly.

As of now, we only had 6 people; me, Cassie, Fenway, Teagan, Glimmer, and Marvel. Should I kill Teagan off just yet or should I wait? Cassie needs to go too but she'll be an easy kill. Has Fenway even said a word since the games started? Anyways, in the end, they'll all have to go. It's just how it is.

As we ate dinner, Fenway and Cassie kept watch from the top of the cornucopia. 

"So, Clove, have you seen any other tributes besides the boy from seven?" Glimmer asks me. 

"Well," I said swallowing my food. "I did see the girl from five. She was holding a sleeping bag and an apple. Someone kept watch on the food and supplies while Cato and I were gone right?" I said. 

"Well, Fenway said that he'd keep watch on the ground." Marvel said looking up at Fenway ontop of the cornucopia. "Fenway, get down here," he commanded him. Cassie started to follow Fenway. "No, Cassie, you stay up there and keep watch. I need to talk to Fenway alone." Marvel said. I've never seen Marvel treat her that way but I don't know; he might've treated her like that while Cato and I went hunting. 

Marvel led Fenway over to the edge of the forest and about two minutes later, a cannon went off. Fenway was dead. Marvel must've snapped his neck. 

As soon as we hear the cannon, we see Marvel walking over. He nods. When he sits down again, he calls Cassie down for a second. She has tears in her eyes. 

"Now, Teagan, Cassie, you two have to be responsible and tell us when someone is coming or someone is snatching our supplies. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. If either of you make one little mistake, such as letting a tribute grab something from our supplies and not telling us, what happened to Fenway will happen to you both. Are we clear?" Marvel asks. Teagan and Cassie nod their heads frightened.

When nightfall comes, I let Marvel keep watch. I knew he wasn't going to kill me in my sleep and I sleep lightly so if he was to try and kill me, I'd be awake with a knife in my hand in no time. Anyways, a little sleep can't hurt. 

I decided not to kill Teagan tonight. I don't think she's very harmful so I'll let her live till just about the end of the games. 

When the anthem starts playing, I crawl out of the cornucopia and look up at the night sky. 




Only three tributes were killed today. That means 12 tributes are dead. We're halfway there. Tomorrow, we'll get the girl from five, the boy from three, and the boy from five. We have to. Goodnight.

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