Chapter 8: Day 1

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Soon enough, I saw the arena. It was full of greenery and similar to a forest. I saw the cornucopia and immediately spotted a set of throwing knives. I looked around for Cato and saw him three tributes down from me. He had a ready look on his face. He was looking for Jase too I assume. I could see all of our allies; Glimmer, Marvel, Keeler, Teagan, Fenway, Cassie, and Winnkoh. I wonder if Holt was watching right yet. 

The clock was counting down. It was already at thirty-six. I was debating whether or not I could take more than one pack with me when I ran for the knives. I knew Cato was just going to start slashing peoples' heads off with the first weapons he reaches. And I'm positive that Marvel and Glimmer'll do the same. I know I'll be killing tributes too but I don't like to think about it as much. I've never killed anyone before so this'll be an experience for me. 

"EIGHT, SEVEN, SIX, FIVE, FOUR, THREE..." the clock was counting. I had my legs in ready position to run and that's what I did when the gong rang out.

I ended up grabbing two packs and I was still faster than the other tributes. I got to the knives immediately. As soon as I got to them, I didn't only grab them but I grabbed a hatchet too. The first tribute that came running at me, I slashed his head off. It was pretty nasty. A cannon was shot immediately afterwards. Cato had just killed Jase and Marvel had stuck a spear through the head of another tribute. Glimmer had gotten to the arrows first and shot one at the female tribute from six. Cannons were going off like crazy. 

When either the tributes that weren't in an alliance with us ran off or were killed, I noticed that both Winnkoh and Keeler had been killed. Me, Glimmer, Marvel, Cato, Teagan, Fenway and Cassie piled up all the supplies we had left with us. It was sooo much too. 

"What are we gonna do with all this supplies?" Cassie asked us. 

"We're gonna use it sparingly. It'll be a trap for those tributes who need supplies too." Glimmer answered her. 

I knew someone would have to kill Cassie. She was no way gonna make it. She has zero sponsors and the male  tribute from her district was just killed. 

We set up camp in the cornucopia. There was a sleeping bag for each person along with a backpack. But with the sun blazing, we'd need water soon. Since we were saving the water bottles for another day, Glimmer and Cato suggested that they'd go search for water. Glimmer took her bow and arrows while Cato took his sword. 

When the two of them went out searching, I helped Teagan up onto the cornucopia (not that she needed much help) and found a great lookout spot for her. We set up a sleeping bag up there and left her a backpack that contained a bit of food, a blanket, and some night vision goggles. I also left her with a spear in case anything were to happen. 

Dusk came soon enough. Cato and Glimmer had brought back two bucket fulls of water. We built a fire and boiled the water. I brought Teagan up some water after it was boiled and told her that I'd keep watch with her tonight. I didn't want to risk her killing anyone in their sleep. 

When nightfall came, so did the cold air. Teagan and I wrapped ourselves in blankets as we kept watch. The jackets were a little help with keeping the warm air in but just not enough. 

Suddenly, the Capitol's anthem started to play and lit up the sky with the symbol of Panem. I watched as the faces of the fallen tributes appeared.










A total of 9 tributes were killed in the bloodbath. I only killed one of them. I guess you could look at it as letting my allies do all the dirty work. I'd have to kill Teagan sometime soon. Maybe I'll kill her not tomorrow night but the following night in her sleep. She won't feel a thing once my hatchet takes her head off. She won't even have time to scream. 

After about four hours of keeping watch, I let Teagan sleep. She'd need it if she was gonna keep watch tomorrow night. 

While Teagan slept, I crept down off of the top of the cornucopia and checked on Cato. He was fast asleep. How was I going to kill him without the rest of the group knowing? I'll have to go out hunting with him someday, probably tomorrow, and when the other tributes ask what happened to him, I'll lie and tell them another tribute attacked him. That'll work. 

I kept close watch the rest of the night. I honestly don't think I'll be able to sleep much during the games if the other tributes have the same ideas about killing the other tributes as I do. 

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