I'm not going to fully explain what UIL is for junior high bands (well not even close), so I'll just say it is this thing when our band has to stay after school to go to another school to get judged (different bands go in different days). Btw, no matter how weird this chapter may get, it's all true. (This chapter is going to be longer than the previous chapters, hehe)
"Did everyone here bring your tuxedos?" I heard the band director say.
Last period just ended, but all symphonic band students had to go to the band room to get ready for UIL. I got my tuxedo out and went to the other side of the band room where all the girls were. Our formal uniforms were: tuxedo shirt, black slacks, cummerbund and bow tie, black closed shoes with black socks.
Apparently, we had to change in the same room with guys because the locker rooms weren't an option. Thank goodness we were asked to wear our tuxedo pants to school and a white shirt, but it was still awkward taking off a layer of our clothes when there's a chance of guys are watching.
After about 30 minutes, everyone was in their tuxedos and were just warming up our instruments, or were putting on their last of their clothes or black socks and shoes. I slipped on one of my sock and searched for the pair. It wasn't there. I looked everywhere in my backpack and I couldn't find it. It had to be in my school locker which was in the other side of school. Anthony came into my view and I went up to him.
"Hey... Um, want to go to my locker with me?" I asked in hope that he would. I wasn't going to go across the school alone and awkwardly.
"Uh, not really. I want to practice first" he replied while backing away.
"Please!" I said almost too loudly while I stepped closer to him.
The next thing we knew, I was chasing him.
After a while, his 'fancy' dress shoe fell off and he reached to grab it while I got closer to him. A second later, I fell on the ground with a red spot on my forehead. My forehead ached and I saw Anthony freaking out. I got up and saw a few people staring at us mouth wide open because of what just happened, Anthony threw his shoe at me.
"Um...Want to go to your locker now?" Anthony randomly blurted out. I facepalmed and noticed that was a bad idea once the pain set in. He kept saying sorry to me while we headed towards the band director to ask if we could go.
A minute later Anthony and I were skipping down the halls (and suddenly stopping once a teacher came into view) to get my sock, of course I only had one sock on while doing this. We decided to go through the seventh grade hall (the long way) instead of the eighth grade hall since we saw some eighth graders there. While we were going there, we turned to go into another hall, and walked into a teacher. I froze, it was Ms. White.
Ms. White was the type of teacher who would think to far when she sees a guy and a girl together. Just last week, she asked if I was dating a guy in her next period cause I mentioned something about the lesson. Ms. White and I just stared at each other and it got awkward fast. I bursted out laughing because that's what always happens when I'm in awkward situations. "What?" She asked while smiling. I just said sorry and ran off with Anthony to get my sock.
Soon after, I finally got to my locker and grabbed my sock. Anthony and I decided to go through the eighth grade hallway thinking that the eighth graders might have left. We started talking and stopped paying attention to everything. I looked up and saw the eighth graders still there against the wall, apparently it was the robotics club. Wasn't Jason in the Robotics club? I looked to the right and saw Jason, my crush.
Let's Do This
CasualeIt all started even before I thought of if. But life is like that sometimes, when you have accept everything and just be you.