Undertale AU (All) PT 1

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'Ah...my head...'

As you came to, your vision was blurry and all you could make out was a small circle of light outlined by a jagged darkness. There was a sharp throbbing pain in the back of your head and you could feel yourself flinch every time it pounded in your skull.

'W-where am I...?'

You couldn't really make out any means of identification as to where you were, being that it was a dimly lit space. The pounding in your head made it almost impossible to remember what you were doing before now: everything was so...hazy. After a few moments your vision cleared and adjusted to the darkness, you got a better view of your surroundings.

The inside of the dark area was made of rock and didn't look like it had been crafted at all; just like it was formed that way over time--and the small sliver of light was actually a hole a few few feet above you. You couldn't really see anything else. You sat up slowly only to notice that a bed of golden flowers cushioned your body. The soft fragrance of the flowers calmed you and reminded you of the ones you had back in town.

'A ditch maybe...?'

Suddenly you could remember everything. You and a couple of friends decided to climb mount Ebott, wanting to escape the suffocating grip of reality and teenage responsibilities. You recalled being scolded for going near the place when you were younger; something about kids who went up there never came back or something. Of course you disregarding the warning; never to even go near the mountain.

It was some old legend that they were superstitious about, but you were never really one to listen. When your friends came to you to with the invitation to go with them, it didn't take much but your frivolous curiosity to get you to go with them. You lost track of time and soon the clouds started to rumble angrily.

One thing you did know was that if you didn't get back quickly you would feel the wrath of your parents, especially if they found out you were on mount Ebott; so you decided to run. The rain started to pour soaking the dirt path turning it into slick mud and because of your clumsiness and quick feet, you slipped and fell...down a hole...into mount Ebott.


Well now, at least, you knew where you were. Deciding that you were going to navigate a way out of the mountain you got up from the soft bed of flowers and dusted your clothes off. You spotted a door near the spot you woke up from and a little ways away from you. So seeing no other option you decided to go through the door.

Through the door, a few feet in front of you was another bed of soil with a small patch of grass. A ray of light from above--you were guess was another hole--lit the bare flower bed. Well, you wouldn't call it bare, there was indeed a flower growing there...a single golden flower. One with a face that was smiling directly at you.

'What the...?'

"привет! I'm Ivan, Ivan the flower!" The flower smiled widely at you as it spoke out introducing itself. You blinked and stared at the abnormal talking flower with a doubtful look. There was a happy little flower...right in front of you....talking.....directly to you.

'This can't be real, I must've really hit my head on the way down...'

"Uh..." You opened your mouth to say something but no words came out; your weren't so sure how to answer. You just decided that you should introduce yourself also. "I-I'm _____, and I'm trying to go home. I know I fell down into the mountain...but I don't know exactly where I am..." Ivan laughed heartily and with a twinkle in his violet eyes, smiling wider if that was even possible.

"Oh why, you're new to the underground da? Well, you must be so confused."

"You must be a little frightened waking up in an unknown place like this," Ivan  acknowledged your loss of words. "-but don't worry I here to help you!" Looking around you decided to console yourself by taking heed in the talking flowers words and accepted his "kindness".

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