Undertale AU (All) PT 2

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You followed Katyusha into the room ahead of the place you had fallen before. In this room, the terrain changed completely; instead of rock formations and dirt, there was violet flooring and walls. Numerous pillars were placed around, and two sets of stairs in the opposite direction of each other led to another path way.

It reminded you of the ancient ruins of Greece, a place you had learned about through history books, well, except everything was underground...and purple. Were these the ruins she was talking about? Your e/c eyes went to the sky and a strange feeling went through you. You didn't quite know what it was but you knew you suddenly had an urge to find your way out.

The shadow of ruins looms above, filling you with the determination. The blonde haired woman waited atop the staircase with a patient smile as she looked at you. "This way my child." You nodded and followed her through the doorway. Four pressure stones were laid on the floor ahead adjacent to you in this room, and there was another doorway ahead.

'How many doors are in this place?'

"Welcome to your new home innocent one. Allow me to educate you in the operation of the ruins." New home? Were you going to stay in this place forever? Suddenly your determination was replaced with a sense of dread. You didn't want to be here forever. Your family were probably worried by now and assumably looking for you. Right?

"The ruins are full of puzzles, the old ancient fusions between diversions door keys." What? Puzzles? Door keys? Your brows furrowed in confusion: what was goat mom talking about. "One must solve them to move from room to room please adjust yourself to the sight of them." Katyusha smiled and she walks across the pressure stones in a certain pattern triggering something and the door opened.

"This way."

Making sure to remember the pattern Anya had walked, you walked up to the door way ready to pass through it until a sign next to the door caught your attention. 'Only the fearless may proceed: brave ones, foolish ones, both not walk the middle road.' You let your e/c eyes linger at it in thought before you walked through the door.

Shrubbery and vines started to appear on the walls and a few other columns were placed throughout the long corridor. You stepped over to Katyusha and she looks at you kindly. "To make progress here you'll need to flip several switches, do not worry I have labeled the ones that you need to flip."

'More puzzles...?'

The blonde haired woman pointed over to the wall where two evenly spaced levers were distanced from each other. Yellow markings, like different arrows pointing to the switches and side notes, did indeed obviously signify the switches the goat woman wanted you to switch.

"Go ahead, do not be afraid. These switches will not harm you." Her soft voice calmed your nerves and you slowly walked over to the wall where the switches were. She nodded toward you with a smile and you swallowed thickly reaching out and flipping the first switch.

Nothing happened. Just like Anya said.

'Maybe...maybe I can trust her...'

You smiled and went ahead to flip the other switch. When you neared her, Katyusha clapped softly to applaud you. "Splendid little one, I am proud of you." This made you get a warm fuzzy feeling in your chest; like when a mother praises you for your hard work on a little task. Like cleaning your room or making a good score on a test. It made you feel good.

"We have a few more rooms to cover little one before were done." She consoled you. "O-okay." She smiled and lead you through, yet again, another door. In the room, however, a lone little mannequin looking thing sat still near a wall on the other side of the room. Was this another monster too?

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