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Unknown POV

Lights swung in a dim hallway, and a cloaked figure swept down the hall. The lights flickered as the man walked past the lights, and thunder boomed outside. Rain fell in torrents, and lightning danced in the sky. The figure had a deep red aura surrounding him, and a hand and flung the door open.

A group of people were met in the middle, all people in their teens.  Some flashed uncertain smiles, and other hanged near the back. The one thing they all shared in common, was the fact they all had a cloak with a golden creeper.  The words Creepus Domainus  were embedded on their sleeves.

"I requested you all here for the dire situation present." the figure said, his voice booming throughout the room. "Fawn, our leader, has lost her powers to Notch."

Gasps flickered in the room, and all widened eyes looked toward the middle. Thunder to give the whole situation more momentum.

"We have to get into Notch's fortress, and destroy every bottle with every power in it. We have to do everything to take away every advantage Notch has. We are Fawn's Eyes, and we will do what me must.

The figure turned toward everyone in the room. His electric-blue eyes pierced everyone, and slowly everyone started to unveil themselves. Slowly, the man in the middle took off his cloak, and everyone gasped.


Oh, YES! Now, no one knows who the leader of the rebel plot is, and I am in power of the story. MWAHAHAHA! Also, welcome to the second book! A new cover should be up in a few days. Thanks for all the support on the last book!


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