Chapter 24: The Great Explorer

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Fawn's POV

I looked up, dazed. Last thing I remember before hitting the ground was that we were heading back to the Nether Kingdom, where at last I'd get my powers. I saw Netherfalls flying hurriedly toward the Nether, and David was hovering around me. That's when I had blacked out.

I stood myself up, and examined my surroundings. I was in a wooden cabin, furnished with flowers and paintings. A door marked the exit of my room, and there was a note written next to a platter of food. I picked it up and started to read it.

Dear Fawn,

So, I think you already know who I am, but I'll say it again. My name is Steve, also known as the great explorer. Now, I assume you will be looking for your weapons, and I assure you, they are safe. I can't let my patient be holding daggers while I try to treat you. If you want them back, I'll will be back with David in a couple hours. When the sun sets, we should be home. If you want to, you can roam the house, but please make sure to use the crutches. Your leg might be needing them for a while.

Yours dearly,


(P.S. The food is not poisoned; go ahead, have a bite!

I decided to listen to Steve's instructions, and took a nibble out of the steak. It tasted like it was from an homestyle ranch. It was juicy, and I couldn't quite place what herbs were placed on it, but it tasted great. I smiled, and took a drink of the water, and it tasted likewise.

I decided to take a look around, and moved my leg into position. As I did, a jolt of pain arched up my leg, and I bit my lip as so not to wince. Steve was right; that leg wasn't going to be running for a while.

I placed myself on my crutches, and hobbled toward the door. I opened the door with my hand, and took a look around. There was a hallway, filled with doors, each labeled.  Decorations, food items,  building materials, some of the labels said. I looked at one label, and squinted. Hallway of Power. Wonder what that means. I opened the door quietly, and peered inside. 

There were stands, all decorated with objects of great mystic. Some of the objects, were probably the only ones left in the world, including a Wither Skull (with explosions), an Ender Egg, some bedrock, blaze rods, golden apples, and even a monster spawner, covered with glass. Occasionally, a zombie would spawn and they would suffocate in the glass. The rotten flesh disappeared into hoppers beneath the monster spawner, and I wiped my brow in relief. At least the whole place wouldn't reek of carcasses.

"Taking a look around, I suppose?" a voice said, and I nearly stumbled onto the ground. I turned around and looked at Steve.

Steve was holding that stupid grin on his face, and I rolled my eyes while observing him. He was wearing his normal cyan-blue shirt, and purple pants, and a diamond helmet sat lopsided on his head. It just made Steve look more derpy. He was holding a sword in one hand, and David stood next to him.

"Well, what were you doing?" I said, smirking. "Hunting some zombies?"

"No," Steve said, his voice trailing off. "I was just..Umm."

"What?" I barked with a sudden fierceness that Steve's eyes widened.

"I was just hassling some wolves." he muttered. 

"That's what you've been doing for the last seven hours?" I said. "Seriously?"

"Well, you guys are going to need some backup for the trip home." Steve said. "I mean, you've got a couple miles before you reach the portal."

"Wait, I've just got one question." I said. "How come you're not in the palace, with your brother Notch?"

Steve scratched his head, struggling to remember something. "I-I don't know." he stuttered.

"Wait, how do you not know?" David said. "Do you have amnesia or something?"

"I do not!" Steve said indignantly. "I can still remember when I headed into the End, and defeated the dragon. Do you want to hear about it?"

"No, we do not need to hear you rant about it." I hissed. "How come you don't remember?"

"I think I'm starting to remember now." Steve said, his face smiling. Then, all of a sudden, his face turned downcast, his face looking like it was about to tear up, and beat someone up. "He did not!"

"Did not what?" I asked.

"He stole the crown from me!" he yelled. "And he doesn't even care!"

"Wait, but wasn't Notch always the ruler?" David asked, clearly confused. "I mean, isn't he the oldest?"

"No, he's not!" Steve yelled again. "I was the oldest, Herobrine was second, and Notch was the youngest!"

"Then how come no one remembers?" I said. "I mean, there should be someone who knows."

"He wiped every one's mind." Steve whispered, his voice turning from angry, to just disappointed.  "He burned the books that wrote about my rule. He basically wiped my existence, my rule, my purpose."

"But, how come you didn't do anything about it?" David said. "I mean, shouldn't you be bent on revenge or something like that?"

"That low-down, sheep-sucker, stole my memories." he ranted. "I swear, when I get my hands on him, I'm gonna kill him."

"He's your brother." I said hesitantly. "I mean, wouldn't you just want to get your throne back?"

"Remember, bent-on-revenge?" he explained. "So, you're heading up to face Notch head on?"

"Well, yeah." I said.

"You're not going to beat Notch's army, with only you, and a couple of allies, you're going to need someone like me. Someone who can rally troops with a word." Steve said, flashing a smile.

"Well, I think it might be best if we head to the Nether first." I explained. "That way, I can get my powers back, and we can start to find the Nether Council, and get their help."

"Umm, doesn't Herobrine want to kill me?" Steve said, worried. "He's kinda, like a god. And I'm just an explorer, with an enchanted diamond sword."

"Wait, an enchanted diamond sword?" David said. "Like, one of the rarest ones?"

"You know it." Steve said, laughing.

"Umm, what are we talking about?" I asked. 

"Well, I'm talking about the only diamond sword, with the enchantment, Sharpness 50 on it!" Steve proclaimed, pulling a sword out, which glowed a bright blue.

"Speaking of which, where's my sword?" I asked, gesturing to myself.

"Oh right, sorry 'bout that." Steve said, throwing the obsidian sword to me.

"Serphetnise!" I said, grinning. "You ok?"

"Good as ever!" the sword yelled.

"Wait, how does the sword talk?" Steve asked, pointing at the sword shakily.

"Never mind that!" I cheerfully said, hobbling into the hall. "Let's go saddle up!"


Meh, can you guys give me some feedback. I really want to know how you all feel about the book. Also, I am planning on a third book, so there's that!

See ya later!


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