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Doctor Marshall tapped on her clipboard as she waited for me to talk. When I looked up at her face, she smiled, probably thinking I'm ready to speak. But I'm not. I got nothing to say.

I just looked back down at my hands. I've been in this therapy room for the pass ten minutes and I have said nothing.

I heard the rain outside slow down. I wish it wouldn't though. It filled the silence. I didn't just mean the awkward silent that's happening now.

I have always looked up to the rain since I got back. According to Doctor Marshall, rain helps me think. I'm usually talk a little bit about what they think happen to me.

I been telling people I was in a basement somewhere I didn't know. The person who kidnapped me never showed his face. He always wore a skies mask and never said anything. I told them he knocked me out and I woke up in my room and don't remember much and continued to drug me to pass out.

I told cops and Kayla parents I didn't see her the when I was there. I had to fake shock and cry when they told me she went missing to. Then I'll go up to my room and real cry. They're all worried about her and I really knew where she was.

"Dorinda," Doctor Marshall voice broke throw my thoughts, "anything you have to say? How was your week?", she asked with a shrugged.

"Okay.", was all I could really say. Nothing special.

I haven't seen Lucas in three terrible months. I need him, here with me. I feel alone with out him. He told me he'll be back soon but it's been three months! How much longer should I wait until he doesn't show up?

Everyday passes I just wish I could see him. It breaks my heart to think he forgot about me already or he doesn't want anything to do with me. It hurts to think that could possibly be true.

I bit down on my lower lip, hoping I could blink the tears from coming out of my eyes. Does he still love me?

"Dorinda, you can talk to me. I'm here, I wont let your parents know. Anything you have to say, stays in this room-",

"I know!" I said coldly at her. I already know that. She tells me every time. I'm really getting tired of going to see a therapist. I'm fine!

Well, kind of. My parents and Doctor Marshall say I'm going under depression. I don't know what they talking about. I'm perfectly fine.

I hope.

"Okay.", Doctor Marshall said, "Tell me about your job. How is it going?"

"Fine.", I said. A month ago I started working at Starbucks. Only reason why--coffee. I don't like sleeping anymore. I have nightmares about my experience at the palace. Mostly about Emma.

So now I spend my whole day at Starbucks; drinking coffee after coffee. I have a lot a free time since I didn't even hesitate on thinking about going back to college.

"Meet any friends since you started?", she asked.

"Kind've.", I said. I been talking to two people, Cain and Ally. But I don't know if I would really call them friends though.

"Really?", Doctor Marshall said, sounded interested. "Tell me about them.",

I hesitated before speaking, "Their fine. Nice people.",

"What's their names?"

"I don't think it matters.", I said, not even raising my voice, but it did sound a little cold. "I'm sorry. My head just hurts.", I wasn't really lying. On the left side of my head, it started pounding.

"It's okay.",

25 minutes later...

I was on my way to work now. The rest of the time with Doctor Marshall was more silence afterwards.

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