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"Ow, not so rough!", I told Cain as I nudged him with my elbows. We we're in the kitchen made twelve o'clock breakfast and he was massaging my neck and shoulders, but it hurt a little.

He chuckled behind me, "Well maybe if you didn't have so many knots it wouldn't hurt so much.",

I grumbled under my breath as I flipped one of the pancakes, "Maybe if you didn't have strong hands, it wouldn't hurt.",

"I'll take that as a complement.", he chuckled. I kept on grimacing and wincing as he kept massaging my neck, "Okay, I give up.", he said, wrapping his arms around my waist and laid his hands on my stomach. "Your to stubborn for a neck massage.",

"I am not!", I giggled. I leant over where the strainer was and grabbed a plate. I put four thick pancakes on it, five pieces of bacon, and some eggs on the plant, "Here you go, you human trash can.", I chuckled, holding the plate to my side for Cain.

"Thank you.", he kissed my cheek and took the plate with a fork and walked over to the round small table that was in the kitchen.

I mixed the bowl with pancake batter as my mom walked in and yawning, "I thought I smelt pancakes.", she chuckled as she rubbed her eye from sleep.

"Yeah. You want some?",

"Two please.", she said, walking over to my side. I nodded my head, sprayed some grease on the pan and purred some on to the pan.

"Hey Cain, your mother going to be alright. She can be released tomorrow. We just want to keep her over night just in case.", my mom said.

"That's great.", Cain said. He got up from the chair and walked over to the fridge and grabbed small bottle of orange voice. Right before walking back over to the table, he kissed me on the cheek again, making my cheeks turn pink.

I felt my mom eyes on me as Cain started eating again. I tired to act like it was nothing as I flipped her two pancakes.

But my mom had to ask, "Should I know something?", she asked, smirking as she wiggled her finger back and forth at me and Cain.

'Uh," I said, reaching over for another plate, "Cain and me are, you know, dating.", I told her as I put some eggs and bacon on the plate.

"What happen to Lucas?", she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

I saw Cain stop eating and winced at Lucas name as he waited for my answer. "Well, um, things didn't work out so well.", I nervously said. I hated lying about Lucas. It made me feel bad and lying to my mom didn't feel so much better about lying about Lucas.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie. I know you like him a lot.", she said, kissing my head as she took the plate after I put her pancakes on the plate.

I frowned down at the bowl as I started mixing it again. I wanted to tell her that I was still with Lucas, but I'm also with Cain. Does this make me a tramp? Is dating two guys as wrong as it sounds?

My mom walked over to sit next to Cain and I felt his eyes looking me without even looking.

I don't want to do this. I don't want to be depressed, I wanna be happy for once in my freaking life. I force a smile on my face though and set the bowl down on the table. I walked over to the one of the cabinet where box and bag foods were. I grabbed the bag of small dark chocolate chips were. Chocolate always makes me happy.

I walked back over to the bowl and opened the bag and purred some in the remaining batter. "Mom, I been thinking about going back to college.", I looked at her as I stirred the bowl. I wasn't lying, I thought about it before going to sleep tonight.

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