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Hehe, watch the music video. :).


I felt my right hand sweat up before I even turned the knob of the door. I felt like my whole body was going to explode any second. Nervousness, fear, I was anxious, a little excited, and just plan out terrified as I turned the knob and opened the door. My eyes squinted a little when light filled my eyes, I even had to blink a few times.

I felt my whole body as I felt every thing person eyes on me and their were lots of eyes. It looked like one big giant curt room, probably the size of a basket ball curt, maybe a little bigger. On both sides of the room were at least ten people from each world behind a wooden table and sat on wooden chairs. I'm guessing that their the Governs. Above each of them were a flag for each world. All were here, but Earth.

But all the way in the back were six couples-married couples-the Kings and Queens on a stage. Like the Governs, they had flags above them. I recognized the Shadow Coven flag easily from the symbol and the whole glad was gold and red.

Right in front of the stage at a chair with a black wooden table was Lucas. Even from standing down, I saw he was wearing black dress pants with a white dress shirt. His hair was styled by his hair being a little spike up.

The whole room was silent as they watched me make my way forwards to Lucas, my heels only thing making a sound by clicking. I nervously bit down on my lower lip as I looked up at the Kings and Queen. Kayla was right, the Queens are very fashionable.

I felt a lump form in my throat as I pulled at out the chair and sat down. I couldn't pull my eyes away from the couples in front of me. They all looked so...royal and powerful.

"State your full name.", said a King who looked a little to much like Enrique Iglesias, he even had a Spanish Accent, but he wasn't Enrique Iglesias since this guy had sapphire tattoo that looked like lighten bolts coming up from his shoulders blades, up his neck, going up the side of his face, and meeting at the center of his forehead with an outline to be a shinning crystal.

I nervously choke to get the lump feel away, which worked, "Dorinda Rose Bennett.",

I saw the Govern people around writing what I just said.

"Age?", said another King with brown shaggy hair.

"Nineteen.". Again, the people wrote it down.

"From what realm?", the same guy said.

"E-Earth.", I said, feeling the lump come back and my stomach twisted up a little.

"Tristan,", King Luka said, looking over to the guy that had shaggy brown hair. "I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but can we get the whole information later---yes! I know it's the rule to take all this down, but we have something big happening and we'll get to it later.",

King Tristan just rolled his eyes, "Whatever Luka, it's your son.",

King Luka lips made a tight line and cleared his throat, "Yes, it is.", he said, pulling his tux coat and looked straight at me, making me feel even more awkward, "Dorinda, I'm sure what you just found out is very shocking.",

I cough again, feeling the lump go down, "Yes, it is.",

"Lucas, do you have anything to say to Dorinda before we start?", King Luka asked.

I felt Lucas look at me, so I turned my head to look at him. He took my hand in his, "Believe me, I didn't know it was your mother. I wouldn't have done it if I knew she was pregnant.",

The look on his face said he wasn't lying. I gave him a small smile, "I believe you, Lucas.",

He gave me a small weak smiled before kissing the back of my hand, but kept in his as he leant forward to whisper, "Everything going to be fine. Just relax and answer truthfully.",

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