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Two day later....

I was in Kayla room, sitting down on a bench in front of a mirror as she did my hair. I was nervously biting down on my nails as I stared at the mirror, off in la la land about the big meeting council today that I guess King Luka planned for about reversing the law. I will be meeting five different Kings and Queens for five different realms.

I couldn't stop think of the worse though. Lucas said they all agreed but his father, but they probably know about what happen with Josephine and King Luka could still disagree and I lose Lucas forever.

"Dorinda, there is nothing to be nervous about.", she said as she put of strain of my hair around a curling iron and clapped the lid down.

"Oh yeah? What if they reject it and I lose Lucas. If lose Lucas, I lose you.", I reminded her. "I can't be glamour. I will remember you, Lucas, and everyone else. How can I live with that? How can I also live without knowing what Cain doing. King Canicus could probably order him to stay away from me.",

"If King Canicus agreed before, he'll agree again.", she said, taking the strain out and the curl held together perfectly. She did a few more before asking, "Soooo, are you going to tell me how you and Cain got together?",

I sighed, "It's a long story.",

"We still have time.",

"Well, the night King Luka took us back, it was that night. We were walking to his apartment and I didn't want to be home alone. I told him King Luka will think about agreeing. He wasn't happy with me cause he knows that means I'll leave my family. That's when he came out and told me he loved me. I was shock, but also mad.

"Then, he kissed me. I kissed him back, but than ran off. Later that night, my mom called and told me Cain mom fainted and hit the table. I rushed to the hospital and I comfort Cain since he cares a lot about his mom. He than came over to my house and boom, we talked and that's how we got together.",

"Wow.", she said. She put her index fingers on both sides of my temples and made inwards to my hair, parting it in the middle and taking the top half and wrapped a ponytail around it, "Were you happy when you said yes.",

"Yeah, but a little confused. I mean, he was right when he said King Luka could disagree, but he said I could love two people. Cain makes me happy and I feel alive around him. But I felt wrong since I'm still with Lucas. I felt like such a ho for dating two people.", I confess.

Kayla took the hairspray, but said quickly, "It doesn't make you a hoe. It makes you a normal young women.", she said, sprayed some in my hair to hold, "It is okay to love two people, but your going to have to pick one of them. They do know that, right?",

"They do. Cain knows if I have a chance with Lucas, I'm going to take it. He agreed, but said if I don't have a chance, I'll have to choose him, which I would.", I said as I waved my hand around to get some of the spray away from the air. "I just don't want to hurt one of them. I hate choosing and especially people.",

"You know, I check on Cain earlier in the hospital room.",

"And? Was he awake?", I asked.

"He was, for a minute. Doctor Marcus shot him up with something to make him sleep. He needs his rest.", she said, playing with my curls to make a little loser before the hairspray could fully dry.


"He asked about you. He wanted to know if you were okay. I told him yes and what's happening today, that's when Doctor Marcus shot him with the needle." Kayla said.

I dropped my head and looked at the floor as I asked, "Did you see Lucas at all yesterday or today?". I haven't seen him since we got back cause he's been busy with his father about what's happen or I was busy talking about what happening. Then Lucas had to finish some papers about Shadow Coven politics junk.

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