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I opened the door of Starbucks and the smell of coffee hit me like always. Ally and another two worker, Brooke, were at the counter taking orders and a guy name Collin was dusting the floor. Where's Cain?

I walked over and went behind the counter to make me some green tea. I'm giving up on coffee, I hope teas of much better for my body. As I made it, my eyes scanned around to see if I could find Cain, but no where. Once my tea was done, I walked over to Ally, "Where's Cain?", I asked.

Her eyebrow raised, "Didn't you hear? He's in the hospital.",

I almost chocked on my tea and I almost spit it out on Ally, as I could finally let the drink go down my throat, I coughed while asking, "What? What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know, all his mother said he was attacked by some dog while walking in the woods.", she said. "I'm going over to the hospital-",

I ran before she could finish, the hospital was about five miles away. He was attacked and was all Lucas fault, mine also. Oh, god! He could be dead!

Calm down, I told myself as I ran. Ally said nothing about him dying, just that he was in the hospital, meaning he's alive. Right?

Once it felt like three miles of running, I slowed down. My chest was going up and down so hard and fast, it hurt. I was so out of breath, I was never a running person. My throat hurt a little and it also felt dry. After five minutes of resting, I jogged the rest.

Once the hospital came up, I ran and into the building. I ran up to the counter, out of breath again, "Cain Marshall, is he alright?", I asked, taking deep breaths.

The lady, Heather, got up from her chair, "First, sweetheart, put your hands behind your head and take long deep breath in threw your nose and out your mouth.", she said. I was about to ask why, but I realized I probably look like I could pass out any minute so I did what she said. After a minute or two, my breathing became almost normal.

She sat back down and start hitting bottoms, "Cain Marshall, right?",

I nodded, "Yes.",

After a few moments, she spoke, "Okay, here it is. A dog bit and a long scratch going down his back. He just got out surgery and he's resting. Room 157.", she said.

I said thank you and practically ran down the halls. Once I getting close, my heart started beating fast again. Not cause I was loosing breath, but because I started to feel nervous.

I finally came to his room number and opened the door. I almost gasped, Cain was lying on a hospital bed, a sleep. His right leg was in a cast and his lip was busted, his left eyes was lightly bruised.

A lady was beside his bed, his mom. She looked at me like I was a crazy person. I probably am for just walking in and she doesn't even know me. Hell, I don't know Cain that much. I almost forgot it was Lucas and mine fault. My eyes water, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just barge in. I'm a friend of Cain's.", I said.

"Oh.", she said, getting up from her seat. "What's your name?",

"Uh,", I said, trying to get my head together, "Dorinda, Dorinda Bennett.", I said.

"Okay.", she said, sounding a little confused. "Come.", she said, bring a chair up that was against the wall up next to her. I walked over to it and sat down, my eyes never leaving Cain. "He's resting.",

"He looks like he's a coma.", I said, sniffing and rubbing my nose.

"Cain a heavy sleeper, he can sleep threw anything.", she said, giving a small laugh.

Someone was in the hospital because of me! Damn it! If I wasn't so caught up in kissing Lucas and not hearing him scream, I could of have helped him. Tears starting to come out my eyes and I wiped them away quickly.

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