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I dropped down on my knees, "You idiot!", I yelled, ranking my hands throw my hair. How much of an idiot is it of Cain to jump into a portal he just saw vampires go into!? He must be pretty damn stupid. God, this is so not good! Hot tears slipped down my eyes, "Oh, Cain, what were you thinking?", I mumbled to myself as I clasped to the floor, feeling tired and weak all of sudden.

I couldn't believe I had to watch all just what happen. Lucas father beating him. Isabelle almost dying. Cain jumping into portals. Everything is just plan out insane. What happen to my old life? Where everything was normal and simple. But all that flew out the window the night Lucas saved me. But here's something, I will never regret that night.

I laid on the grass crying for about ten minutes. My eyes were finally closing when I heard people calling my name out. Right as I was about to pass out, my dad lifted me up in his arms and I fell asleep.

What a horrible birthday.


As my father and I stepped throw the portal, I was so angry. I bin angry before, but he took it over board. He not only ruined tonight, but he humiliated me, which was his plan by what his thoughts were saying. I had to bite down on my lip just so I could control my urge to lash out at him, but I'm scared to move cause if I do, my neck would break, killing me. Sure, he wouldn't go that far and he's hoping I wouldn't move, but if it came to that, he would do it.

I found myself in the ballroom. My father threw me on the ground. I put my hand around my throat, it hurt like. I quickly got up from the floor with a growl and bare my fangs at my father, but he was unfazed, "How could you?", I yelled at him.

He quickly order the guards to take my workers to their rooms and they did what they were told. His said throw his teeth, "People have to make sacrifices.",

"Oh yeah? What was ever your sacrifice? Huh? Tell me?", I challenged him.

"You are out of line! I had to make many and some were for you! If I could continue staying King, trust me, I would. I love my job, but my times up and if our people want to stay safe, I have to gave up that! Now," he growled as he walked up to say in my face, "grow up, Lucas!",

I was about to tell him off, but I was cut when I heard a thump and a groaned. I smelt him before I looked over at the closing portal. Okay, so my father hasn't hit the breaking point. It was Cain that did it.

He must of landed on his arm cause he got up from the floor with a groan, his right hand holding his left upper arm. He looked around the ballroom, "Oh, wow...", he said to himself, but once he saw everyone was staring at him, he looked shocked and nervous, "Uh-",

I didn't even blink when my father grabbed Cain throat and slammed Cain body on the ground, "Why'd you follow us, mutt!", he growled in Cain face.

Cain blinked in surprised and both his arms wrapped around my father arm, trying to pull away and I heard faint gasping from Cain, "L-let...m-me...go.", Cain said, barely hearable.

"Answer my question-",

My father didn't get to finish when I put my hands on his chest and flung him away from Cain. My father hit the wall across the room with a big thud. Cain leant up, gasping for air and he was coughing.

Again, my father growled in frustration as he got up from the floor, brushing his pants from concrete dust. I know I was seriously killing his patience, but I had no other choice. He was going to kill Cain and that wouldn't be good. Dorinda wouldn't forgive me if I let my father do that. I may not like it, but Cain was special to Dorinda.

My father took a step forward, but my mother was quicker to stand in front of him and she placed her hands on his chest, "Darling--darling, just calm down. We'll deal with this all later.", she said as she placed her hands on each side of his father face and looked up in his eyes. My mother was a very powerful Emotional, a gift to control anyone emotions. "Just calm down.".

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