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My heart felt like it skipped a beat. "W-what?",

"I been getting messages and warnings in letters and I don't know who, but they knew Emma and Tyson some how.", he said.

"Bu-but how do you not know who sending them? They have to be vampires, can't you tell by the sent on the paper to see who wrote it.",

Lucas looked lost, "It doesn't have one, it's like who ever sending them has a gift to hide their sent.",

"Is that even possible?", I asked.

"Yes.", Lucas said sadly.

Can the person who sending Lucas the notes be the person who I bin stalking me? Oh God, it could be. "Oh fuck.", I muttered to myself.


"I don't know, but--um, I think who ever sending you letters is stalking me.", I said, rubbing my temples with my palms. My head starting pounding.

"What? Why haven't you told me-",

"How could I've?!", I spat. "You were never here to tell.",

"But Dorinda, you could have told me yesterday.",

"I'm sorry, I forgot!", I paused for a second, "I was to upset about finding out to remember anything.", I didn't yell at him this time, but it did sound like a whine.

Lucas lips turned into a straight line, but his face than soften, "You right.", he said, pulling me into hug, "I'm sorry for snapping. I was just surprised.".

I laid my face on his chest, feeling the need to cry, but I tired hard to not to. I missed him holding me. I couldn't really feel his cold skin over his cloths. I wrapped my arms around his waist, "It's not safe, is it? Here?", I asked, meaning anywhere I go, I'm never sure what could happen at any moment. Even though who ever stalking me hasn't attacked me yet doesn't mean they wont now that Lucas is visiting me.

Lucas hesitated for a second, "I don't know.",

"Do you if he or she would hurt me now that your now seeing me again?", I asked.

Lucas pulled me closer into him, "I don't know, maybe.". My chest tighten. Lucas kissed my the top of my head, "But I promise I wont let anything happen to you again. I wont be able to live with myself.", Lucas hesitated for a second, "I'll speak to my father.",

"Your father?", I asked, pulling out of the hug, but we still had our arm around each other. "You think he'll care, about me and my safety?", I asked.

Lucas looked down at me and rubbed my cheek with his thumb, "I'll make him care.",

I just gave him a small sad smile and put my head back on his chest. I want so badly to be in a relationship with Lucas, I don't want to be known as his mistress once he's married

Lucas petting my hair. He sighed and spoke, "My father gave my choice today; I wont have to marry Lena if..." he didn't finish.

I pulled away again, "If what?", Lucas looked at the ground nervously, "If what, Lucas?", I asked a little demanding.

He looked back up at me, "If I change you to be one of my people.",

My mouth opened slightly and I looked up him. Become a vampire? That never really crossed my mind. Is that really the only way I could be with Lucas? I want to be with him so bad, I'll do anything to make it happen. But can being a vampire really be the only answer?

I can't leave my parents again, it'll ruin them. They'll be torn to find me missing again when I just got back not so long ago.

But I can't stand the idea of growing older and Lucas staying the same age he looks. Lucas looks to be in his early twenty. What happens when I turn forty or fifty, he wont want to be with me anymore. And I love him so much, I don't want to lose him; he means everything to me. I can't think of dying when he'll live forever.

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