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Lena gasped and pulled her hand out of mine, but I seen it all. She lied! Shock filled my face. How could I have been so stupid!?

"Lucas, it's not what you think!", Lena said, taking a step back with her gloved hands raised.

My confused and shock was replaced with anger. How could she have lied about that! And why haven't I known this! It should have been on her very mind all the time. Unless...

Ugh! The fucking witch cast a spell to block her mind whenever she thought of that probably! She had a part in all of what happening and she wanted Dorinda to die cause of her stupid jealousy!

I growled at her and stepped forward to her as I said, "You-lying-little-whore!", I slowly and coldly said in her face.Everyone gasped and paparazzis were taking pictures. Lena looked so scared right now when I said that.

I saw my father get up from his seat, "Lucas!",

"Please, Lucas! Understand I was doing it for us!", Lena said, sounding like she was about to cry, "She was getting in our way and-",

"Shut up!", I yelled in her face and she whimpered, "Your really good, you know? You even had me believed.", I coldly but didn't yell it to her. Everyone was around whispering about what I could be talking about.

"Lucas, what are you talking about?", my father demanding.

I didn't take my eyes off Lena as I said, "She's a liar-",

"I'm not a liar, King Luka!", Lena said, quickly looking at my father but looked back at me, "Lucas, it wasn't going to work between you two anyways. You needed a wife and I happily agree to become your wife.", she said as a tear of red blood went down her face.

"How are you not a fucking liar?", I yelled, not caring that her family was watching. They need to know how much of a lying tramp she is.

My father stepped aside from the Priest who looked shocked as ever and my father was angry like crazy bull and asked me coldly, "Lucas, I demand to know what your talking about?",

I took a step back and looked at him, "She was apart of Josephine plan the whole time. She wanted to help get rid of Dorinda cause I loved Dorinda and she was so jealous, she attempted to go with Josephine and try and help.", I told him.

Everyone gasped and my father eyes widen in shock.

"My King, I only did it so she wouldn't be in our way of our arrangement-",

My father face turned cold as he looked at her, "I suggest you be quiet. I am in no mood right now and if you want to keep that pretty little mouth, you'll shut it!", he told her.

She whimpered some more as she looked at back and forth at me and my father to her family, who was shock and had disappointed looks on their faces.

I couldn't be here anymore. I started walking down the isle, but Lena spoke, "Lucas, please, wait-",

"Gaurds!", me and my father said and I continued my way down as I heard her demanding the two guards holding her to let go and she plead to both me and my father for forgiveness, but we wouldn't have it.

I held out to my right arm as I become near the back, "Kayla.", I said, but not taking my eyes away from ahead.

She quickly got up from the chair and in lighten speed, she wrapped her arm around mine as we walked away from the gossiping and shocked people.

I couldn't be here anymore and I'm sure know Kayla isn't. I guess one good thing came out about today, finding out Lena was apart of the whole mess that went down. At least I don't have to marry her anymore and she's going to be in big trouble. Josephine already got the death sentence for kidnapping me, who knows what Lena will get.

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