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My face was still red as my parents sat down in the love seat and started eating their food and I started eating my ten piece chicken. Did my mom have to really go and say that? Bad enough she doesn't know I'm not a virgin anymore. God, she eating like she didn't say anything not to long ago as she leaned over and grabbed the remote.

"Lucas, are you sure you don't want anything to eat?", my mom asked, "I mean, we did get like five double cheese burgers for Cain since that boy eats like crazy person, but since he's not here, you can have them, you know.",

"Mrs. Bennett, I'm fine. I, uh, ate before I came.", Lucas said. I wonder if he did eat before he coming here and I wonder if it's a 'who'. My stomach turn at the thought it could have been a anyone, even a hooker. Yuck.

"Okay.", my mom said, taking a bite of her salad.

The room filled with awkward silence and I was getting a little annoyed at my dad way of eating as he glared at Lucas like he could rip off his head. Why is he eating fires evilly as he stared at Lucas? My mom didn't notice since she was searching for something to watch.

I had to break it, "So...mom, what did you do at work today?", I asked, taking a sip of my coke soda.

"Oh, you know, the same. I helped give birth to this young couple and did some check ups on people. It was pretty slow tonight.", she said, than he placed the remote down, "Ah, here's a classic and Dorinda old favorite movie.", my mom said, mostly to Lucas.

I saw Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise in very old cloths. Interview with the Vampire. Oh, jeez. From all the movies in the world, this one?

"Mom, really?", I had to get her to change it. Lucas probably think these a mock to him and his people.

"What?", my mom asked, shrugging her shoulders, "I could always put on Twilight or Underworld movies.",

I dropped my head and it dangled in frustration.

I felt Lucas hand go on my knee as he chuckled, "To tell you the truth, Mr and Mrs Bennett-",

I brought my head back up, "What are you doing?", I asked.

"Telling the truth.", Lucas said, smiling. Oh, God, what does he mean by that? He looked at my parents, "Personally, I hate these kind of movie.", I let out a sign a relief once. Of course he wouldn't go off telling my parents he's my kidnapper and a vampire himself. I'm was paranoid for nothing. "I don't get the whole...vampire thing.",

"Oh." My mom said, then throw the remote to me, "Dorinda, just find something. You and your dad can never agree with me.",

"Ah, I have learned that. Dorinda likes to debate.", Lucas said.

"Doesn't she?" my mom asked. "She is so much like her father. Always have to be the right one and doesn't like to be order by some people-",

"Okay.", I said a little loud so they would stop talking, "So, lets see what's on.". I grabbed the remote and started to go throw HBO. Personally, I don't want my parents to be 'friendly' with Lucas. Only cause if they do, they'll go on embarrassing me non stop.

When I finally saw the movie Inception, I put it on. I laid down the remote and started eating again, in till my mom said something, "Ah, Leonardo Dicaprio, isn't he just one big hunk, Dorinda?", my mom asked.

I groaned, "Yes, mom.",

"Oh, come on. You remember him in Romeo and Juliet? He was so romantic. And Titanic, you cried at the end of that movie.", my mom gush as she wont off in la la land.

"Mom, everyone cry's at the end of that movie. And Romeo and Juliet, well, that was a good movie I admit.", I said.

"Lucas, what do you think of both those movies?", my mom asked.

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