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I was in my office, doing nothing, when really I should read over this loan thing I suppose to look over since my father left early and I got suck with it.

My elbows were on the desk and my mouth was against my hands.

What have you done?, I questioned myself. Why'd you have to be paranoid and go with her. She just wanted to have fun and be with you.

I sighed to myself and closed my eyes. It's been hours since I got back.

I wanted to go after her, but I know I shouldn't have. It'll only make her more mad. Damn, the pain in her face before she got mad. I just want to wrapped my arm around her and tell her 'I don't care what my father say, I choose you.'

I wanted and have told her before I chose her, but I'm still here.

I should just let her go. I told myself.

But in the back of my mind, something was nagging at me, telling me 'Don't give up. It's going to be hard before getting better. Just show her how much you care for her. Make her feel special. Just forget what your are and spend time with her.'

Will that work though? I try to be with her this time, but she was with him. Cain.

The right side of my mouth went up in disgust. I hate him around her, I hate it so much. I hate it when she was some other man. I know they're just friends, but I can't help but worry when she with him. Damn knows what could happen with them alone...

"Lucas," I heard Lena voice. I sighed annoyed and looked up at my fiancée. I had an urge to snort about her outfit. A mini skirt, a tight white tank top, and knee high stiletto boots.

"Yes?", I said, leaning back in my chair.

"That Kayla chick you keep around here said to give you this. She said she found it on her bed with your name on it. Here.", she said, placing an envelope on my desk. She then leaned down and crossed her arms on my desk and looked bored as I reached over and took it.

Another one? Already?, I question. I usually get the weird letters every two weeks, but it's bin six days since the last one. This can't be good. And it felt thick.

I reached in and took out the letter.

'She has many surprises. Maybe she's getting over you.'

My hand tighten on the letter. What dose that mean? I placed the letter down on his desk and reached back in the envelope, pulling at what looked like small deck of pictures. He turned them deck around...

My breathing hitched and my mouth hung open as I grimace. It was a picture of Dorinda and Cain dancing, hand to hand, around other people. She had her eyes close and leaning in to him, laughing.

I had to force myself to turn the picture, but it wasn't any better. Dorinda had her hands Cain chest and his hands were on her hips, still dancing.

Next looked they just arrive to the party she must of been talking about, but there arms were around each other waist like they were a couple. My anger start rise now.

"What is it?", Lena asked, but I just ignored her as I flipped to the next one.

It was them dancing. My anger was still going up. But the next picture I saw shocked me. It was Dorinda standing next to a blonde hair girl I never seen before and she was purring vodka into Dorinda cup. The next picture was closed up on Dorinda, drinking out of the cup.

Was she getting drunk?

These have to be fake. My Dorinda would never get drunk and she couldn't be the girl dancing with Cain. No, these are fake.

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