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One hour later....

"Here, babe.", Kayla said as she sat down next to me on the floor against the window and held out McDonald bags and soda. I raised an eyebrow at her, "When I left, I went to the Earth and got it. No, it's wasn't in Maine, I got it in California.", she said, rolling her eyes and chuckled.

"Oh, thanks.", I said, taking it and taking the burger out and started eating. Cain pretty much passed out after the last of his spine shifted. It was so hard to watch it happen. He looked like he was in so much pain. But it doesn't end yet. His eyes still have to change, his canines have to grow out like fangs, and his whole body than has to shift into a wolf. So, nope, it's not over yet.

I couldn't help make eye contact with Lucas as he was talking with his father, King Canicus, Prince Octavian and Princess Akera. Queen Arabella and Queen Justina left to go home. Lucas sent me an apologetic look, which I couldn't give into. I can't be mad at Lucas. It hurt to much to be mad. But I am still mad that he pretty much saying being a normal young adult was a bad thing.

"Dorinda," Kayla whispered next to me, "Lucas loves you a lot.",

I looked confused at her, "I know that.", I whispered back.

"And I know you love him a lot.", she said, "But-", she trailed off, looking at the ground.

"What?", I asked.

"But, it's hard to love someone when your not the same.", she said, looking up at me again. "I mean, your relationship with Lucas is just like Romero and Juliet. Instead of different house holds, your guys are different species.",


"And his parents are just like Juliet; powerful, rich, and making an arrange marriage for Lucas. Do you remember what happens in the end of that story?", she asked.

"Yes, both Romero and Juliet die in the end.", I said. I waited for her so say something else, but she just opened her eyes and bopped her head and sent me 'you should know what I mean' look. I understood than, "Kayla, that's not going to happen. I wouldn't kill myself.",

"But would you do it if Lucas killed himself? Would you do it for love? Is love that big you would murder yourself?", she asked.

"Kayla, your talking crazy. No, I wouldn't give up my life.", I told her. I put my burger back in it's little box, not feeling hungry anymore and took a sip of my coke to wash the taste down. I sit the stuff next to me than. I went into thought as I lean my head back against the window and closed my eyes.

Would I go that far? Would I kill myself for love in the end? Probably not. But losing Lucas would feel like I died. But he'll be married and have someone, even if it's Lena and I'll have to move on. I'll try to put my life back together after everything, go back to college, become a nurse, and hopefully can find someone new and can make my heart beat faster like Lucas does.

I tightly closed my eyes and sighed to myself as my eyes started to tear up. I can't cry now. Now isn't the time to cry like a big baby. And I don't feel like crying in front of everyone.

I leant up and lean on Kayla. She wrapped one around my waist and one around my shoulder, "Your so warm, it's funny.", Kayla gave a weak chuckle. "It feels a little weird.",

"Describe what it feels like.", I chuckled, wanting to make conversation with her.

"Uh, well.", she said, going into thought. "It kind of feels like holding one of those bags of warm blood your parents made us hold one time when we went to visit them in ninth grade.", she giggled and I made a face.

"Ew, that's what I feel like?", I asked, giggling with her though.

"A little.". We broke into laughter and everyone looked at us questionable. We said 'sorry' and they went back to talking, but Lucas gave me a small smile before turning his attention back to their conversation.

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